
Vsebinska reorganizacija centrov za socialno delo : diplomsko delo
ID Zega, Žiga (Avtor), ID Poštrak, Milko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomski nalogi obravnavam problematiko reorganizacije centrov za socialno delo, ki se je uradno zgodila leta 2018 z združitvijo 62 centrov za socialno delo v novih 16 območnih centrov, s čimer se je obstoječih 62 centrov spremenilo v 63 enot. Žal se reorganizacija ni dotaknila vsebine dela na centrih, ampak je s številnimi ukrepi še povečala birokracijo in preobremenjenost zaposlenih. Na delo centrov je negativno vplivala tudi uvedba sistema Krpan in uvedba novega družinskega zakonika. Določenih problemov, na centrih, ne moremo označiti kot neposreden produkt reorganizacije, saj so na centrih prisotni že vrsto let, je pa res, da jih je te reorganizacija naredila bolj vidne. Vpliv reorganizacije na delo zaposlenih težko opredelimo objektivno, saj zaposleni reorganizacijo doživljajo na različne načine, ta je prav tako na različna področja centra vplivala različno. Ministrstvo je z organizacijsko reorganizacijo izvedlo centralizacijo vodenja. Odločitev za reorganizacijo je podprla politika, saj je reorganizacija bila omenjena v koalicijski pogodbi takratne vlade. Ministrstvo delo centrov nadzoruje preko svetov zavodov, sistem Krpan zaradi neusklajenosti z drugimi sistemi povzroča dvojno delo, izobraževanju zaposlenih je namenjenega premalo denarja, uvedba dovolilnic otežuje terensko delo, ter kljub temu da se centri spopadajo z veliko kadrovsko podhranjenostjo, pogajanja o novih zaposlitvah za leto 2020 niso bila uspešna. Strokovni delavci so imeli pred začetkom reorganizacije možnost podajanja idej in predlogov, vendar v dialog glede poteka reorganizacije niso bili vključeni. Zaposleni so s supervizijami večinoma zadovoljni. Potrebno bi bilo posodobiti nov Zakon o socialnem varstvu, število predstavnikov zaposlenih v svetih zavoda pa povečati in jih po številu izenačiti z ministrskimi predstavniki. Sprožiti bi morali pobudo glede uvedbe namenske postavke za izobraževanja, sistem Krpan uskladiti z drugimi sistemi, ob ponovno neuspešnem dogovoru glede zaposlitev pa napovedati stavko. Stremeti moramo tudi k cilju, da temeljna naloga centrov postane prva pomoč.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:organizacijska reorganizacija, vsebinska reorganizacija, birokracija, sistem Krpan, kadrovska podhranjenost, institucionalna podpora, izobraževanje zaposlenih, terensko delo, organizacija centrov za socialno delo, supervizija
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[Ž. Zega]
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118304 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:36868099 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:27.08.2020
Število ogledov:1895
Število prenosov:216
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Substantive Reorganization of Social Work Centers
In my diploma thesis I discuss the issue of reorganization of social work centers. The reorganization officially started in 2018 with the merger of 62 social work centers into 16 new regional centers, thus transforming the existing 62 centers into 63 new units. Unfortunately, the reorganization did not touch on the content of the work at the centers, but increased the bureaucracy and overburdening of employees with a number of new measures. The work on the centers was also negatively affected by the introduction of the Krpan system and the new Family Code. It is important to stress, that certain problems, at the centers, cannot be described as direct products of the reorganization, since a lot of them have been present for many years before. On the other hand, it is true that the reorganization has made some of the mentioned problems more visible. The impact of the reorganization on the work of employees is difficult to define objectively for two reasons, Firstly, employees experience consequences of reorganization in different ways. Secondly, the reorganization affected certain areas of the centers differently than the others. During the reorganization, the Ministry carried out the centralization of management. The decision to start the process of the reorganization was supported by the politics, as the reorganization was mentioned in the coalition agreement of the government. The Ministry supervises the work of the centers through the councils of institutions, the Krpan system causes double work due to inconsistencies with other systems, too little money is spent on education of employees, the introduction of permits makes field work more difficult and despite the fact that the centers are facing high staff shortage, negotiations on new employment for 2020 have not been successful. Prior to the reorganization, employees had the opportunity to present ideas and suggestions, but were not involved in the dialogue on the course of the reorganization. Most of the employees are satisfied with the supervisions. The Social Assistance Act should be updated, the number of employee representatives in the councils of the institute has to be increased. It would also be necessary to launch an initiative regarding the introduction of a joint fee for education of employees. We also need to coordinate the Krpan system with other systems, and in the event of a failed agreement on new employments, a strike should be announced. We must also strive for the goal of making first social aid a fundamental task of the centers.

Ključne besede:organizational reorganization, substantive reorganization, bureaucracy, KRPAN system, staff shortage, institutional support, employee education, field work, organization of social work centers, supervision

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