
Razlike v nekaterih parametrih igralne učinkovitosti med zmagovalci in poraženci na tekmah evropskega prvenstva v rokometu na mivki 2019 za ženske : magistrsko delo
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Namen magistrske naloge je bil na podlagi eksperimenta, ki je bil v našem primeru opazovanje poteka igre devetih tekem evropskega prvenstva v rokometu na mivki 2019 za ţenske, ugotoviti, kateri elementi igre, taktične postavitve ter pogostost in učinkovitost izvajanja določenih tehnično taktičnih elementov najbolj vplivajo na potek tekme in uspešnost ekipe. Ker v rokometu na mivki izenačen izid ne obstaja, saj se ob izenačenem rezultatu v polčasih izvedejo zaključni streli, smo razlike opazovali med zmagovalci in poraţenci v posameznem polčasu. Vzorec predstavljajo igralke desetih reprezentanc, ki so igrale na Evropskem prvenstvu v rokometu na mivki 2019. Podatke, ki smo jih uporabili v magistrskem delu, smo pridobili s pomočjo analize video posnetkov, objavljenih na spletni strani EHF TV (http://www.ehftv.com/competitions). Podatke smo v vsakem polčasu spremljali ločeno za obe ekipi in ločeno glede na fazo obrambe oziroma fazo napada. Za nekatere spremenljivke smo rezultate razbrali iz uradnih zapisnikov, objavljenih na spletni strani Evropske rokometne zveze. Vse izbrane spremenljivke smo s pomočjo programa Microsoft Excel uredili v tabeli, ki je zajemala 20 spremenljivk v osemnajstih odigranih polčasih. Na podlagi teh smo izoblikovali hipoteze, ki smo jih v nadaljevanju poskušali potrditi oziroma ovreči. Sledila je statistična obdelava podatkov v programu IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Za vse obravnavane spremenljivke smo glede na pripadnost proučevani skupini izračunali osnovne statistične značilnosti in testno statistiko. Glede na rezultate testa normalnosti porazdelitve in homogenosti varianc smo za testiranje razlik med zmagovalci in poraţenci uporabili T-test za neodvisne vzorce, Brown-Forsytheov test in Mann-Whitneyev test. Vse podatke smo obdelali in kasneje interpretirali pri 5 % stopnji tveganja. Statistično značilne razlike med zmagovalci in poraţenci so se pojavile pri štirih spremenljivkah, to so: skupno število podaj (SŠP), skupno število golov (SŠG), skupno število strelov (SŠS), število strelov za eno točko (ŠS1). V povprečju so pri naštetih spremenljivkah zmagovalci dosegali višje vrednosti od poraţencev. Iz dobljenih rezultatov smo zaključili, da so si zmagovalci z večjim številom podaj uspeli priboriti več priloţnosti za strel in boljši poloţaj strela v igrišču, kar je prispevalo k višjemu odstotku zadetih strelov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Rokomet na mivki, igralna učinkovitost, evropsko prvenstvo 2019.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118117 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:27615491 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:21.08.2020
Število ogledov:1359
Število prenosov:173
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
The goal of this Master’s Thesis was to determine which game elements and tactics, as well as frequency and efficiency of certain technical-tactical elements, affect the course of the game and the team success the most. To find this out, nine different games of the European Beach Handball Championship 2019 for women were analyzed. The game of beach handball can never finish with a tie, as there are shootouts at the end of each half-time to determine the winner. For this reason, we decided to observe the differences between winners and losers during individual half-times. The sample in this analysis were the players of ten women national teams that played at the European Beach Handball Championship 2019. The data used in this thesis were acquired through an analysis of the videos published at the EHF TV website (http://www.ehftv.com/competitions). The analysis was done separately for both teams and separately for the defense and the attack. The results for some of the variables were found in the official records published at the website of the European Handball Federation. 20 chosen variables, observed in 18 half-times, were put in a Microsoft Excel table. Based on these variables, we formed different hypotheses and tried to confirm or disconfirm them. The data were then statistically processed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Based on the group of observation they belong to, basic statistical characteristics and test statistics were calculated for all the variables. Based on the results of the normality test and the homogeneity of variance test, the independent T-Test, the Brown-Forsythe test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used to test the differences between winners and losers. The data were processed and interpreted using a risk level of 5 percent. Statistically significant differences between winners and losers were observed in the following four variables: Total number of passes (SŠP), total number of goals (SŠG), total number of shots (SŠS), number of one-point shots (ŠS1). In these variables, winners in general achieved higher values than losers. Following the results, we determined that by passing the ball more often, the winners managed to get more shot opportunities and a better shooting position on the field, which contributed to a higher percentage of the scored shots.

Ključne besede:Beach handball, playing efficiency, European Championship 2019.

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