Research challenge of this thesis is the problem of control and the challenge of democracies in the century. The escalation of surveillance must necessarily mean reducing people's privacy and freedom, the latter one representing the very foundation of democracy. Whistleblowers play the important role in defending the values of democracy. Their position is problematic because they don't have well regulated legal protection even though some states and organizations promised to help them in this aspect.
For the purposes of my thesis I chose China and USA as two different political systems in order to observe how they take surveillance over their people. China is a representative of authoritarian political system, based on state apparatus which takes care of the control of the citizens. Chinese control system is supposted to have the best developped surveillance system in the world and I did a research on this in my thesis. The United States, on the other hand, is considered as a cradle of modern, liberal democracy. But is it really democracy in all aspects? Especially when it comes to international relations, their politics don't work democratically. In fact it looks like quite the opposite.
The occurence of coronavirus has put the world's countries and their economies into a test of stability, especially that of social politics and health system. In the light of this issues I have researched the effect of coronavirus on China and USA by following their responses to the fight with the virus. I observed democratic system with private health care service on one side, and autochratic system with public health care service on the other.
It is a fact that there are going to be consequences after coronavirus pandemic. And we are not talking only about the consequences in economy but also those that affect social relations and interactions between people.