
Vpliv impregnacije s sivo glino na fungicidne lastnosti lesa : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Krek, Sebastjan (Avtor), ID Pohleven, Franc (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Humar, Miha (Recenzent)

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MD5: 4FA489353E2B0AB803A662175E562733

Smreka (Picea abies) in bukev (Fagus sylvatica) predstavljata večino lesne mase v slovenskih gozdovih in sta najpomembnejši drevesni vrsti pri nas. Žal spadata med manj odporne lesne vrste. Ob nepravilni konstrukciji ter vgradnji se problem trajnosti izdelka še poveča. Problem se rešuje s kemično zaščito lesa, ta je problematična zaradi negativnega vpliva na človeka in okolje. Danes je zaželeno, da les zaščitimo s pravilno konstrukcijo in vgradnjo izdelka. Samo zaščito lesa pa skušamo zagotoviti z naravnimi zaščitnimi sredstvi kot sta čebelji vosek in razna naravna olja. V diplomski nalogi smo preučili delovanje sive gline kot impregnacijskega sredstva za zaščito proti lesnim glivam. Glino Poljanski sadjarji uporabljajo pri obrezovanju sadnega drevja. Vzorce smo v vakuumski komori impregnirali s tremi različnimi suspenzijami sive gline in destilirane vode. Impregnirane in kontrolne vzorce smo izpostavili lesnim glivam. Vzorce smreke smo izpostavili navadni tramovki (Gloeophyllum trabeum), vzorce bukve pisani ploskocevki (Trametes versicolor) in pahljačici (Schizophyllum commune) ter vzorce hrasta hrastovi labirintnici (Daedalea quercina), v skladu s standardom EN 113:2004. Po 16 tednih razkroja smo s primerjavo izgube mase med impregniranimi in kontrolnimi vzorci ugotovili, da suspenzija sive gline ne zavira razkroja lesa, ki je bil izpostavljen miceliju različnih lesnih gliv, saj je bila izguba mase v vseh primerih zelo podobna ali večja od kontrolnih. Tudi statistična analiza ni pokazala večjih razlik. Ugotovili smo, da različne suspenzije sive gline ne vplivajo na fungicidne lastnosti lesa.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:naravna zaščita lesa, koncentracija suspenzije sive gline, lesne glive
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[S. Krek]
Leto izida:2016
Št. strani:IX, 44 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117878 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:2630025 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.07.2020
Število ogledov:975
Število prenosov:128
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The effect of impregnation with grey clay on the fungicidal properties of wood
Spruce (Picea abies) and beech (Fagus syivatica) are the two most important tree species in Slovenian forests, together representing the majority of wood biomass used in Slovenia. However, they are also considered as less durable wood species, and their durability can be further affected in case of inadequate construction and installation. To avoid this, wood is chemically treated, but this is problematic because of its adverse effect on human and the environment. Nowadays, it is preferred to preserve wood by ensuring proper construction and installation of timber products, while the wood itself is treated with natural wood preservatives, such as beeswax and different natural oils. This graduation thesis examined the fungicidal properties of grey clay, the material used by local fruit growers in pruning fruit trees. The samples were treated with three different solutions of clay and distilled water and then placed in a vacuum chamber. Both, the treated samples and the control samples were exposed to wood fungi. The spruce samples were exposed to Gloeophyllum trabeum, the beech samples were exposed to Trametes versicolor and Schizophyllum commune, and the oak samples were exposed to Daedalea quercina, according to the standard EN 113:2004. After 16 weeks of decay, the comparison of weight loss in both, the treated samples and the control samples showed that the grey clay solution did not slow down the degradation of wood exposed to mycelia of different wood fungi, since in all treated samples the weight loss was very similar to or even greater than in the control samples. There was no significant deviation in any of the samples. Consequently, it was determined that different solutions of grey clay do not affect the fungicidal properties of wood.

Ključne besede:natural wood preservation, concentration of grey clay suspension, wood fungi

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