
Vpliv izvedbe okenskih vezi na izpostavljenost lesenih oken glivnemu razkroju : diplomski projekt
ID Starman, Jernej (Avtor), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Ugovšek, Aleš (Komentor), ID Lesar, Boštjan (Recenzent)

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Okno je odprtina v steni, ki omogoča prehod svetlobe in ko je zaprto nas varuje pred zunanjimi vplivi okolja, kot so temperatura, veter in UV svetloba. Poznamo več vrst materialov, ki se uporabljajo za izdelavo sodobnih oken in to so polimeri (najpogosteje PVC), aluminij in les. V praksi se uporablja tudi različne kombinacije teh materialov, najpogosteje uporabljena med njimi je les-aluminij. Vezi, ki spajajo okvir sodobnih oken, so običajno čepne, zarezno čepne ali mozničene. V diplomskem projektu smo primerjali sodobni leseni okni izdelani s čepno in mozničeno vezjo. Spremljali smo vlažnost lesa v različnih delih okenskih profilov. Z namenom, da razširimo raziskavo smo spremljali še temperaturo notranje površine oken in barvo na različnih mestih zunanjega okenskega profila. Prednost mozničene vezi je v tem, da se element okna površinsko obdela v celoti (tudi čela), medtem, ko so okna izdelana z čepnimi vezmi navadno površinsko obdelana, ko je okno že sestavljeno in se tako ne zaščiti čelnih delov profilov. Prednost čepne vezi je boljša statika okna in trdnost, vendar raziskave ter izkušnje proizvajalcev in uporabnikov potrjujejo, da so okna z mozničeno vezjo statično ustrezna. Ugotovili smo, da zaradi kratkotrajne izpostavitve, razlike v vlažnostih v analiziranih oknih niso velike, medtem ko so razlike v spremembi barv in temperaturi površin večje zaradi konstrukcijske izvedbe aluminijastega odkapnega profila in drugačnega barvnega tona.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:okno, lesne vezi, vlažnost lesa, temperatura
Vrsta gradiva:Delo diplomskega projekta/projektno delo
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[J. Starman]
Leto izida:2016
Št. strani:VII, 33 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117876 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:2634633 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.07.2020
Število ogledov:1004
Število prenosov:117
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Impact of the implementation of the window joint on exposure of wooden windows on fungal degradation
Window is an opening in a wall which allows the passage of light and if closed it protects us from environment effects such as temperature, wind and UV light. There are several types of materials used for window frames, namely: polymers (most commonly PVC), aluminium and wood. There are also combinations of different materials applied, wood-aluminium being the most common. Joints, that are used for construction of the wooden frame are usually tenon or dowel joints. In respective thesis comparison of modern wooden windows with tenon and dowel joints was performed. Wood moisture content in different parts of window elements was monitored twice per day. In order to expand the research temperature of the inner surfaces in window frames was logged as well. Additionally, colour on different parts of outside surfaces on windows was determined as well. The advantages of the dowel join is that surface coating covers all of the window surfaces, before it is assembled, which means that you also protect the axial planes of the elements. Meanwhile the windows made with tenon joints, are surface coated after being assembled, hence the axial planes are not protected. Additionally, tenon joint exhibits better statics of the window and the strength of the joint is higher. However, studies and experiences of manufacturers and users confirm that the dowel joints static is sufficient. Due to the short duration of the experiment, the differences in wooden moisture content between various windows is not significant. The differences in temperature and colour changes are more prominent because of the positioning of aluminium profile and the different brightness of the surface coatings applied on the windows.

Ključne besede:window, wooden joints, moisture content, temperature

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