
Govorno jezikovne sposobnosti deklice s Sotos sindromom
ID Dremel, Ula (Avtor), ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Komentor)

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6334/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Sotosov sindrom je genetska motnja, ki je posledica delecije ali mutacije gena NSD1 na 35. kromosomu. Deduje se avtosomno dominantno, lahko pa se mutacija pojavi na novo. Otrok s Sotosovim sindromom ima značilne obrazne poteze, prekomerno rast, kasneje pa se pojavijo tudi učne težave (Tatton-Brown in Rahman, 2007). Ker je Sotosov sindrom redka genetska motnja, je o sindromu na voljo malo informacij. V teoretičnem delu zato podrobno predstavljamo Sotosov sindrom in pot do postavitve diagnoze ter specifične in splošne fenotipske značilnosti sindroma. Sotosov sindrom uvrščamo v skupino sindromov prekomerne rasti, ki so si med seboj zelo podobni. Za napoved poteka in kakovosti otrokovega življenja ter s tem za opredelitev potrebne pomoči je ključno natančno diferencialno diagnosticiranje. V magistrskem delu se podrobneje osredotočamo na govor in jezik oseb s Sotosovim sindromom. V empiričnem delu predstavljamo 6,5 leta staro deklico s Sotosovim sindromom, ki obiskuje program za predšolske otroke s prilagojenim programom in dodatno strokovno pomočjo. Pri ocenjevanju deklice in opisu njenega delovanja smo uporabili različne instrumente. Opravili smo intervju z dekličinimi starši in jih povprašali o razvoju, funkcioniranju in komunikaciji doma ter o sociopragmatičnih sposobnostih. Na osnovi podatkov smo oblikovali govorno-jezikovni profil predšolskega otroka s Sotosovim sindromom pred vstopom v šolo. Izsledki razpoložljivih tujih raziskav o posameznikih s Sotosovim sindromom kažejo na večji ali manjši zaostanek v govorno-jezikovnem razvoju. Z največ težavami se osebe s Sotosovim sindromom srečujejo na področjih ekspresivnega jezika in sociopragmatike, sicer pa njihove jezikovne sposobnosti sovpadajo z intelektualnim funkcioniranjem. Ugotovitve smo potrdili tudi v naši raziskavi. Deklica ima težave predvsem z artikulacijo, ekspresivnim jezikom, priklicom besed, sociopragmatiko, abstraktnim mišljenjem in sposobnostjo reševanja problemov. Kljub temu dobro razume in izraža čustva ter je senzibilna in empatična. Težave, s katerimi se srečuje, so posledica Sotosovega sindroma in obrojstvene asfiksije. Zaključujemo, da imajo osebe s Sotosovim sindromom težave na govorno-jezikovnem področju in na področju sociopragmatike, izraženost njihovih težav pa je odvisna tudi od pridruženih težav oziroma zapletov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Sotosov sindrom
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117754 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:23096579 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:24.07.2020
Število ogledov:1142
Število prenosov:176
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Speech and language abilities of the girl with the sotos syndrome
Sotos syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the deletion or mutation of the NSD1 gene on the 35th chromosome. It is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner or as a de nuovo pathogenic variant. Children with Sotos syndrome have characteristic facial features, experience excessive physical growth before and after birth, and later learning difficulties (Tatton-Brown and Rahman, 2007). Since the Sotos syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder, only little information about the syndrome is available. In the theoretical part, we therefore set out in detail the Sotos syndrome and the route to diagnosis, as well as the specific and general phenotypic characteristics of the syndrome. Sotos syndrome can be classified into a group of syndromes of excessive growth, which share similar characteristics. An accurate differential diagnosis is crucial for predicting the course and the quality of a child's life and thus identify the help needed. In the master's thesis we focus more closely on the speech and language of people with Sotos syndrome. In the empirical part, we present a 6.5-year-old girl with Sotos syndrome who attends an adapted pre-school programme with additional professional assistance. In evaluating the girl and describing her performance we used different instruments. We have conducted an interview with the girls' parents and have inquired about the girl's development, handling daily life situations and communication at home, and her socio- pragmatic abilities. Based on the data, we have formed a speech-and-language profile of a pre-school child with Sotos's syndrome before entering school. The findings of available foreign research on individuals with Sotos syndrome indicate a lager or a minor lag in the speech and language development. People with Sotos Syndrome face most difficulties in the areas of expressive language and socio- pragmatic abilities, otherwise their language abilities coincide with their intellectual functioning. These findings were also confirmed in our research. The girl experiences problems mainly with articulation, expressive language, word retrieval, in the field of socio-pragmatics, abstract thinking and with the problem-solving ability. Nevertheless, she understands and expresses emotions well, is sensitive and empathetic. The difficulties she encounters are caused by Sotos syndrome and perinatal asphyxia. We conclude that people with Sotos syndrome have language problems, experience difficulties in the field of socio-pragmatics and that the severity of their problems is also dependent on their associated problems or complications.

Ključne besede:Sotos syndrome

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