
Model strateškega tržnega komuniciranja športnih klubov v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Fendre, Zala (Author), ID Lah, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Šport je v procesu globalizacije in tehnološkega napredka presegel meje svojega osnovnega namena. Postal je močno trženjsko usmerjen, poleg komercialnega potenciala pa je za ljudi privlačen tudi zato, ker v njih vzbuja močna čustva. Pogosto je opisan kot del zabavne industrije, vendar je šport v nasprotju s predstavo ali koncertom spontan. Ravno ta lastnost povzroča športnim organizacijam največji izziv pri trženju športnega dogodka, saj je rezultat nepredvidljiv. V magistrskem delu sem na podlagi Bühlerjevega teoretičnega modela športnega marketinga želela ugotoviti, ali je ta primerljiv z dognanji iz prakse slovenskih športnih klubov – RK Celje Pivovarna Laško, KK Petrol Olimpija in ACH Volley Ljubljana. Do večjih razlik ne prihaja, zato je Bühlerjev model uporaben za slovenske razmere. Hkrati sem želela s pomočjo strokovne literature in praktičnimi dognanji dopolniti omenjeni model športnega marketinga, po katerem bodo lahko svojo marketinško strategijo prilagodili ali pa na novo postavili tudi manjši športni klubi. Vseeno je delovanje v slovenskih športnih klubih zaradi majhnosti trga precej omejeno in kljub doslednemu sledenju teoriji športnega marketinga se šport v Sloveniji verjetno nikoli ne bo tržil v takšni meri kot v tujih državah.

Keywords:športni marketing, marketing samega športa, marketing preko športa, slovenski športni klubi, model športnega marketinga.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Fendre]
Number of pages:99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117561 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:26614019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Model of strategic marketing communication of sports clubs in Slovenia
In the process of globalization and technological progress, sports has exceeded the limits of its basic purpose. It has become strongly market-oriented and in addition to its commercial potential, it is also attractive to people because it arouses strong emotions in them. It is often described as part of the entertainment industry, but unlike a show or a concert, the sport is spontaneous. This feature causes sports organizations the greatest challenge in marketing a sport event, as the result is unpredictable. In my master's thesis based on Bühler's theoretical model of sports marketing, I wanted to find out matching with findings from the practice of Slovenian sports clubs – HC Celje Pivovarna Laško, BC Petrol Olimpija and ACH Volley Ljubljana. I came to a conclusion there are no major differences, so Bühler's model is useful for Slovenian conditions. At the same time I wanted to supplement the mentioned model of sports marketing, according to which smaller sports clubs will be able to adapt their marketing strategy. However, due to the small size of the market, activities in Slovenian sports clubs are rather limited, and despite consistently following the theory of sports marketing, sports in Slovenia will probably never be marketed to the same extent as in foreign countries.

Keywords:sports marketing, marketing of sport, marketing through sport, Slovenian sports clubs, model of sports marketing.

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