
Medgeneracijski trendi v gibljivosti otrok in mladine v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Mokorel, Maruša (Avtor), ID Jurak, Gregor (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Sember, Vedrana (Komentor)

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Analize telesnega fitnesa slovenskih otrok in mladostnikov od leta 1970 poročajo o spreminjanju trendov. Delež otrok in mladostnikov z nizko razvitimi gibalnimi sposobnostmi se je v obdobju 1991-2014 na splošno povečeval. Leta 2015 se je število otrok in mladostnikov z manjšimi gibalnimi kompetencami začelo zmanjševati, izjema so dijaki stari med 16 in 18 let. Razlike v telesnem fitnesu med spoloma se zmanjšujejo. Opaženo je bistveno hitrejše naraščanje deleža fantov, ki so manj gibalno kompetentni, v primerjavi z dekleti. Ugotavljajo, da je bilo pred četrtino stoletja več deklet kot fantov, ki imajo nižjo raven gibalnih sposobnosti, danes pa je fantov za skoraj dva odstotka več kot deklet. Namen našega raziskovanja je ugotoviti razlike med generacijami v gibljivosti kot eni od gibalnih sposobnosti, in sicer gibljivosti ramenskega obroča in kolčnega sklepa. Spremljali smo rezultate otrok in mladostnikov starih 6 – 15 let v časovnem obdobju 1993 – 2013. V dvajsetih letih merjenja smo pridobili rezultate za več kot 20.000 otrok in mladostnikov. Za merjenje gibljivosti ramenskega obroča smo uporabili test zvinek s palico, za merjenje gibljivosti v kolčnem sklepu pa test predklon sede. Za statistično obdelavo smo izbrali analizo variance za odvisne vzorce (ANOVA), statistično značilne razlike znotraj skupin pa smo ugotavljali z ustreznimi post hoc testi. Razlike v gibljivosti kolčnega sklepa so se pokazale pri vseh starostnih skupinah (6-14 let), pri obeh spolih in med vsemi tremi generacijami. Razlike so bile v obdobju 1993 – 2003 statistično značilne. Povprečna vrednost najboljšega merjenega rezultata leta 2003 pri fantih je za 3,3 centimetre nižja, pri dekletih pa 3,9 centimetrov nižja v primerjavi z vrednostmi iz leta 1993. V obdobju 2003 do 2013 se je trend obrnil v pozitivno smer. Fantje in dekleta so dosegali podobne rezultate kot v letu 1993. V obdobju 1993 do 2013 se statistično značilne razlike pojavljajo pri fantih v skoraj vseh starostnih obdobjih, medtem ko pri dekletih le v štirih starostnih kategorijah. Trend gibljivosti ramenskega obroča je od leta 1993 do 2013 pri fantih padal. Povprečje rezultatov je od leta 1993 nižje tudi do 10 centimetrov. Le pri mlajših starostnih kategorijah (6 in 7 let) se je trend v letu 2003 obrnil v pozitivni smeri, leta 2013 pa so se fantje približali povprečju iz leta 1993. Pri dekletih je trend gibljivosti ramenskega obroča različen glede na starostne kategorije. Pri starostnih kategorijah 8, 10, 11 in 14 let je ostal nespremenjen, medtem ko je pri dekletih starih 7, 9, 12 in 13 let, padel. Dekleta v teh starostnih kategorijah so dosegala do 5 centimetrov slabše rezultate v primerjavi z dekleti leta 1993. Rezultati naše raziskave so uporabni za športno prakso tako v šoli kot zunanje nje. Kažejo, da morajo športni strokovnjaki nameniti ustrezno pozornost tudi razvoju gibljivosti, ki je ključna za izvajanje gibanj v dovolj velikih amplitudah in brez poškodb. Poleg tega rezultati predstavljajo osnovo za medgeneracijske primerjave prihodnjih tovrstnih raziskav ter primerjavo s trendi v tujini.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Medgeneracijski trendi, otroci, mladostniki, gibljivost, longitudinalna študija
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117464 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:25882883 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:11.07.2020
Število ogledov:1849
Število prenosov:222
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Secular trends in flexibility of children and youth in Slovenia
Officially accepted reports on physical fitness and physical activity of children and adolescents of Slovenian primary and secondary schools, since 1970 report on changing trends. According to various data, the percentage of children and adolescents with low mobility is expected to increase in the period between 1991 and 2014. In 2015, the number of children and adolescents with reduced mobility competences began to decline, with the exception of students between the ages of 16 and 18. Meanwhile gender differences, unfortunately, are still increasing. A significantly increase is observed in the proportion of boys who are less physically competent than girls. Researches have found that a quarter of a century ago, there were more girls than boys with lower levels of mobility, but today there is almost two percent more boys than girls who have lower level of mobility. The purpose of our research is to identify the differences between generations in the mobility of the shoulder ring and hip joint. We have escorted the results of children and adolescents aged 6 - 14 years, in the period from 1993 to 2013. During the twenty years of measurment, we have obtained results of 20.500 participants. To measure the mobiliy of the shoulder ring, we used a stick test and to measure the mobility of the hip joint, sit and reach test. For statistics analysis we used the method of analysis of variance for the dependent samples and post hoc test to find statistically significant differences. The differences in hip joint flexibility, across generations, were found in all age groups (6 – 14 let), both girls and boys. The differences were statistically significant in the period from 1993 to 2003, with the average value of the best measured result in 2003 being 3,3 centimeters lower for boys and 3,9 centimeters lower for girls than in the year 1993. In the period from 2003 to 2013 the trend has turned in the positive direction. Both boys and girls achieved similar results than boys and girls of the same age in the year of 1993. Statistically significant differences in the mobility of shoulder ring were considered only in the period from 1993 to 2013. Statistically significant differences occur in boys at almost all age groups, while in girls have shown statistically significant differences in only four age categories. The trend of shoulder ring mobility decreased from 1993 to 2013 in boys. The average results have decreased for 10 centimeters since 1993. In the year of 2003 in the age groups of 6 and 7 years old boys, the trend turned in the positive direction. The trend of shoulder ring mobility in girls did not have as many fluctuations as in boys. It remained unchanged for most age categories, while it turned in a negative direction for girls age of 7, 9, 12 and 13. Girls of these age groups have 5 centimeters lower results in the years 2003 and 2013 than the girls of the same age in 1993. The results of our research are useful for promoting physical activity of children and adolescents and for comparing the results with future similar researches in Slovenia. The Phyiscal education teacher must also pay attention to the development of mobility, which is crucial for performing movements in large amplitudes without injuries. The results represent the basis for future researches of this kind and a comparison with trend abroad.

Ključne besede:Secular trends, children, youth, flexibility, longitudinal study

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