
Slikanica kot učno sredstvo pri obravnavi tematike drugačnosti
ID Železen, Laura (Avtor), ID Kalin, Janica (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Kroflič, Robert (Komentor)

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V magistrskem delu predstavljamo, kako s pomočjo slikanice kot učnega sredstva učencem na njim zanimiv način predstaviti in približati tematiko drugačnosti, natančneje gibalno oviranost. Teoretični del smo razdelili na štiri večje sklope. V prvem sklopu smo opredelili koncept strpnosti in koncept pripoznanja, ki se je vzpostavil kot nadgradnja prvega. Dotaknili smo se tudi tematike stereotipiziranja, nanjo pa navezali diskriminacijo. Nadaljevali smo s tematiko drugačnosti in znotraj nje s tematiko gibalne oviranosti, ki nam predstavlja izhodišče za kasnejši empirični del magistrskega dela. Opisali smo tudi projekta Drugačnost nas bogati in Drugi skozi umetnost: premagovanje odporov do drugačnosti s pomočjo umetnosti, ki sta se izkazala kot uspešno sredstvo za doseganje sprejemanja drugačnosti v vrtcih in osnovnih šolah. V drugem sklopu smo se posvetili vzgoji in izobraževanju skozi umetnost, podrobneje kulturno–umetnostni vzgoji, znotraj le-te pa umetniškemu ustvarjanju ter pomenu zgodbe in pripovedovanja v šolskem prostoru, sklop smo zaključili z bibliosvetovanjem. Tretji sklop se nanaša na slikanico, znotraj katerega smo opredelili glavne podskupine slikanic ter drugačnost in gibalno oviranost v slikanicah, obravnavali smo tudi slikanico kot učno sredstvo ter se posvetili interpretaciji slikanice. V sklepnem delu teoretičnega dela smo nekaj besed namenili avtorju slikanic Igorju Plohlu in njegovemu življenju kot tudi slikanicama Lev Rogi: sreča v nesreči in Lev Rogi najde srečo na katerima je temeljila naša raziskava. V empiričnem delu smo raziskovali, kako se učenci odzivajo ob obravnavi tematike drugačnosti in gibalne oviranosti, kaj razumejo pod pojmom drugačnosti na začetku in ob koncu dejavnosti ter ali si drugačnost razlagajo kot nekaj pozitivnega ali negativnega. Zanimalo nas je, kako se učenci odzivajo ob branju slikanic Lev Rogi: sreča v nesreči in Lev Rogi najde srečo ter kakšen je njihov odziv ob srečanju z gibalno ovirano osebo. S pomočjo intervjujev z učiteljicama smo želeli izvedeti, kakšno mnenje imata glede uporabe slikanic in del mladinske književnosti pri pouku ter vključevanja slikanic pri obravnavi tematike gibalne oviranosti. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako učiteljici presojata svojo usposobljenost za vključevanje elementov kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje v pouk in kako bi spodbujali pozitivno naravnanost do gibalne oviranosti in drugačnosti v šolskem prostoru.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:slikanica, učno sredstvo, drugačnost, gibalna oviranost
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117381 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:08.07.2020
Število ogledov:1200
Število prenosov:439
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Use of picture books as a teaching tool to learn about otherness
In the master's thesis we are presenting how, with the help of a picture book used as a teaching tool, we introduce and approach students in an interesting way the topic of otherness, more precisely the physical disability. The theoretical part is divided into four major sections. In the first part, we defined the concept of tolerance and the concept of recognition, which was established as an upgrade of the first. We also touched upon the topic of stereotyping and related to it the discrimination. Further on, we continued with the theme of otherness and within it discussed the theme of physical disability, which is the starting point for a later empirical part of the master's thesis. We also described the projects: Otherness enriches us and Others through Art: Overcoming Resistance to Otherness through Art, as they have proven to be a successful means of achieving acceptance of diversity in kindergartens and elementary schools. In the second part, we devoted ourselves to education through art, more specifically cultural and artistic education, and within it the artistic creation and meaning of stories and storytelling in the school space. The second part was concluded with bibliotherapy. The third part concerns the picture book, within which we identified the main sub-groups of picture books and the otherness and physical disability in picture books. In the concluding part of the theoretical part, a few words were given to the author of the picture books Igor Plohl and to his life, as well as the picture books Lion Rogi: luck in unluck and Lion Rogi finds happines on which our research was based. In the empirical part, we explored how students respond when addressing the topic of otherness and physical disability, what they mean by the notion of otherness at the beginning and end of the activity, and whether they interpret the otherness as something positive or negative. We were interested about how students respond when reading picture books: Lion Rogi: luck in unluck and Lion Rogi finds happines, and what their reaction is when encountering a person with a disability. Through interviews with the teachers, we wanted to find out what they think about the use of picture books and some of the youth literature in lessons, and about the inclusion of picture books in dealing with the topic of physical disability. We were also interested in how teachers assess their ability to integrate elements of cultural and artistic education into teaching and how they would encourage students to have a positive attitude towards physical disability and otherness in the school space.

Ključne besede:picturebooks, teaching tool, otherness, disabillity

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