In my master's thesis titled Women's Voices in Slovenia in the First Half of the 20th Century: Selected Autobiographies of Rebellious Women, I will present four rebellious women, namely Ilka Vašte, Alma Karlin, Mira Mihelič and Angela Vode. I will outline some key facts about their lives and work and the social circumstances of the time. All four women opposed the prevailing patriarchal patterns in society at the time. Fully committed, they fought to improve the status of women (private and public) and promote their active involvement in various fields. The mentioned authors were also engaged in writing through which they expressed their advanced ideas. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, I will analyze their autobiographies, namely Sama: iz otroštva in mladosti (2010) by Alma Karlin, Podobe iz mojega življenja (1964) by Ilka Vašte, Ure mojih dni (1985) by Mira Mihelič, and Skriti spomin (2004) by Angela Vode. I will try to determine the common features of the mentioned autobiographies and where they diverge. I will also compare the differences between the social status of men and women at the time and analyze two more autobiographies written by male writers (Ivan Cankar and Vladimir Bartol) accordingly. In the selected autobiographies I will also determine the degree of criticism in their writing and how it is reflected in the unfavourable reception