
Testiranje uporabnosti in uporabniške izkušnje pri interaktivni vsebini
ID Erzar, Lea (Author), ID Javoršek, Dejana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru magistrskega dela smo načrtovali ter izvedli testiranje uporabniške izkušnje in uporabnosti pri interaktivni vsebini za spodbujanje razvoja govorno jezikovnih sposobnosti pri otrocih. Interaktivna vsebina danes predstavlja aktiven medij in rešitev pri učenju, pri čemer je uporabnik neposredno v interakciji z vsebino. S testiranjem uporabnosti in uporabniške izkušnje ugotovimo, ali uporabniki v naši rešitvi uživajo in ali je le-ta efektivna in lahka za uporabo. Načrtovanje testiranja je potekalo v okviru faze, imenovane evalvacija procesa uporabniško usmerjenega načrtovanja, ki je bil uporabljen pri izdelavi interaktivne vsebine. Sprva smo analizirali ter primerjali, nato pa izbrali primerne metode za ocenjevanje uporabniške izkušnje in ocenjevanje uporabnosti, ko končni uporabniki niso prisotni, ter metode testiranja uporabnosti, ko se sistem testira s pomočjo uporabnikov. Pri načrtovanju testiranja smo se osredotočili na testno skupino in prilagodili testiranje s primerno terminologijo, časom, lokacijo testiranja idr. Testiranje smo izvedli po vnaprej pripravljenem scenariju, pri čemer je uvodnemu pogovoru sledilo igranje iger v sklopu interaktivne vsebine, intervju ter mnenje testiranca. Rezultate testiranja smo analizirali in grafično ter tabelarično prikazali. Pri testiranju uporabniške izkušnje smo ugotovili, da so testiranci v naši rešitvi uživali, vmesnik je bil lahek za uporabo. Analiza raziskave je pokazala tudi, da je uporaba metode uporabniško usmerjenega načrtovanja pri ustvarjanju interaktivne vsebine zmanjšala število popravkov po testiranju. Rezultati testiranja so prav tako pripomogli k izboljšanju interaktivne vsebine – tako bo rešitev po končni implementaciji kar se da prijazna končnim uporabnikom.

Keywords:uporabniška izkušnja, uporabnost, interaktivna vsebina, testiranje uporabniške izkušnje, testiranje uporabnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116944 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2020
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Title:Testing usability and user experience in interactive content
As part of the master’s thesis, we designed and performed user experience and usability testing in interactive content for encouragement of speech and language abilities in children. Today, interactive content is an active medium and represents a learning solution where the user interacts directly with the content. With user experience and usability testing, we find out whether users are enjoying our solution and whether it is effective and optimal to use. Testing planning was done as part of the evaluation phase of the user centered design process that was used to develop the interactive content. Initially, we analyzed and compared and then selected appropriate methods for evaluating user experience and usability evaluation, where end users are not present and usability testing methods where the system is tested with the help of end users. When the testing was planned, we focused on the testing team and adapted the testing with appropriate terminology, time, location of testing, etc. Testing was carried out according to a pre-prepared scenario, where the introductory conversation was followed by playing games in the context of interactive content, an interview and the opinion of a test subject. The test results were analyzed and presented graphically and in tables. User experience testing showed that testers enjoyed our solution, the interface was easy to use. Research analysis also showed that adherence to user-centered design when creating interactive content reduced the number of patches after testing. The test results have also helped to improve the interactive content—so the solution will be as friendly and useful to end users as possible after the final implementation.

Keywords:user experience, usability, interactive content, user experience testing, usability testing

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