
Vpliv vadbe na telesno sestavo in gibalne sposobnosti pri starejših občankah : magistrsko delo
ID Dobnikar, Nal (Avtor), ID Karpljuk, Damir (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Šuštaršič, Ana (Komentor)

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Staranje je naraven in neizogiben biološki degenerativen proces, ki ima velik vpliv na telesno sestavo in telesno pripravljenost starostnikov. Telesna sestava je dober pokazatelj zdravstvenega stanja posameznika, spremembe v telesni sestavi pa imajo močan vpliv na pojav kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni. Telesna pripravljenost starostnikov upada, vendar sta za samostojnost in večjo stopnjo neodvisnosti pomembni predvsem moč spodnjih in zgornjih ekstremitet ter aerobna vzdržljivost. Namen magistrskega dela je bil preučiti vpliv osemtedenskega programa vadbe na telesno sestavo in gibalne sposobnosti (moč in aerobno vzdržljivost) pri starejših občankah. V vzorec je bilo zajetih 15 starejših občank iz občine Grosuplje, starih med 65 in 86 let. Vse vadeče so bile sposobne samostojne hoje, brez bolečin in med izvedbo raziskave zdrave. Izmerjena je bila telesna višina in teža, telesna sestava na analizatorju telesne sestave Tanita BC-1500 ter moč spodnjih ekstremitet (vstajanje iz stola), moč zgornjih ekstremitet (upogib komolca) in aerobna vzdržljivost (6- minutni test hoje). Vadba je redno potekala 8 tednov, 1-krat na teden po 120 minut. Podatke smo obdelali s SPSS 23.0 in Microsoft Excel 2013. Izračunali smo opisno statistiko vzorca, vpliv vadbe pa preverili s t- testom za odvisne vzorce oziroma Wilcoxonovem Sum Rank testom v primeru kršenja pogojev. Za preverjanje hipotez smo uporabili smo 5% stopnjo tveganja. Ugotovili smo statistično pomemben vpliv vadbe na gibalne sposobnosti, vendar ne na telesno sestavo. Vadeče so najbolj napredovale v testu upogib komolca, sledita vstajanje iz stola in 6- min test hoje. Večina starejših občank (60 %) je imela povišan indeks telesne mase, polovica vzorca pa povečan delež telesne maščobe. Potrebno je dodatno preučevanje vpliva telesne sestave na zdravje starostnikov in preveriti vpliv kombiniranega režima zdravega prehranjevanja in vadbe na spremembe v telesni sestavi in gibalnih sposobnosti starostnikov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:starostniki, telesna sestava, gibalne sposobnosti, vpliv vadbe
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116710 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:23987203 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:05.06.2020
Število ogledov:1915
Število prenosov:417
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The impact of exercise on body composition and physical abilities in older adults
Aging is a natural and inevitable biological degenerative process that has a major impact on the body composition and physical fitness of the elderly people. Body composition is a good indicator of an individual's health status and changes in body composition have a strong influence on the occurrence of chronic non-communicable diseases. Physical fitness of the elderly is declining but the strength of the lower and upper extremities and aerobic endurance are especially important for a greater degree of independence. The purpose of the master's thesis was to examine the impact of an eight-week exercise program on body composition and physical fitness (strength and aerobic endurance) in older adults. The sample consisted of 15 senior citizens from the municipality of Grosuplje, aged between 65 and 86 years of age. All the trainees were able to walk independently, without pain and during the study were all healthy. Antropometric measurements such as body height and weight were measured. Body composition was measured on the Tanita BC-1500 body composition analyzer. Lower and upper extremity strength along with aerobic endurance were measured with senior fitness tests. Exercise programme was regularly done for 8 weeks, once a week of 120 min physical activity. Data were analyzed with SPSS 23.0 and Microsoft Excel 2013. Descriptive statistics of the sample were calculated and the impact of exercise was verified by a t-test for dependent samples or Wilcoxon's Sum Rank test in the event of a breach of condition. A 5% level of risk was used to test the hypotheses. We found a statistically significant effect of exercise on physical abilities but not on body composition. The trainees made the most progress in the arm curl test, followed by chair stand up test and a 6-minute walking test. Most of the elderly (60%) had an increased body mass index and half of the sample had an increased proportion of body fat. Further study of the effect of body composition on the health of the elderly is needed and the impact of the combined diet and exercise regimen on changes in the body composition and physical fitness of the elderly should be examined.

Ključne besede:elderly, body composition, physical readiness, exercise

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