
ID LEVEC, URŠA (Avtor), ID Franca, Valentina (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Upokojenci imajo možnost vstopa na trg dela. Glavni namen magistrskega dela je predstavitev delovnopravnega položaja upokojencev pri ponovnem vstopu na trg dela. Razlog za pisanje dela je slovenska problematika, zlasti zaradi hkratnega uživanja pravice do pokojnine in dela upokojencev. V tujini je namreč kumulacija dela in prejemanja pokojnine v načelu dovoljena, Slovenija uvaja mnoge omejitve. S pregledom domače in tuje literature smo predstavili in ovrednotili ureditev področja dela upokojencev v Sloveniji in v Italiji, Nemčiji, na Finskem in Nizozemskem ter opredelili glavne razlike med njimi. Z obravnavano temo podajamo različne oblike in pravne možnosti dela upokojencev ter njihov vpliv na višino pokojnine in finančno-davčni vidik teh oblik dela. Ugotavljamo, da je sistem dela upokojencev s hkratnim izplačevanjem pokojnine v bistvenem podoben v vseh štirih analiziranih državah, pri čemer je za prejemnike pokojnin najugodnejši sistem na Nizozemskem. Omejitve se z izjemo Nizozemske nanašajo na določene skupine upokojencev, med katerimi so najpogosteje navedeni prejemniki predčasne in invalidske pokojnine. Ravno nasprotno pa v slovenskem sistemu hkratno prejemanje pokojnine in opravljanje dela v načelu ni dovoljeno, kljub temu da zakonska ureditev dopušča nekatere izjeme. Glede na ugotovljeno je glavno odprto vprašanje ustreznost slovenskega sistema glede na trenutni trend staranja prebivalstva. V obravnavanih štirih državah smo namreč prepoznali mnoge pozitivne vplive, ki jih prinašajo različne možnosti dela upokojencev, čemur bi bilo smotrno slediti tudi pri nas. Zakonodajalec naj v prihodnje pretehta prednosti, ki jih prinaša splošna kumulacija dela in izplačevanja pokojnin celotni slovenski populaciji, in negativne vidike, na katerih je utemeljena trenutna zakonska ureditev.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:zaposlovanje, upokojenci, pravne možnosti, trg dela, dvojni status
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FU - Fakulteta za upravo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[U. Levec]
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116679 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:18250499 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:03.06.2020
Število ogledov:1988
Število prenosov:469
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Retirees have the opportunity to enter the labour market. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to present the employment status of retirees in re-entering the labour market. The reason for writing the paper is the Slovenian issue, especially due to the simultaneous enjoyment of the right to a pension and the work of retirees. Namely, the cumulation of work and receiving a pension is allowed in principle abroad, but Slovenia introduces many restrictions. By reviewing domestic and foreign literature, we presented and evaluated the regulation of the field of work of retirees in Slovenia and Italy, Germany, Finland and the Netherlands, and identified the main differences between them. With the discussed topic, we present various forms and legal possibilities of work for pensioners and their impact on the amount of pension and the financial and tax aspect of these forms of work. We find that the system of work of retirees with the simultaneous payment of a pension is essentially similar in all four analysed countries, with the most favourable system for pension recipients in the Netherlands. With the exception of the Netherlands, the restrictions apply to certain groups of retirees, most often the recipients of early pensions and invalidity pensions. On the contrary, in the Slovenian system, the simultaneous receipt of a pension and the performance of work is in principle not permitted, despite the fact that the legislation allows for some exceptions. According to the findings, the main open question is the adequacy of the Slovenian system in relation to the current trend of population aging. Namely, in the four countries in question, we recognized many positive influences brought by various employment opportunities for retirees, which should be followed in our country as well. In the future, the legislator should consider the advantages brought by the general cumulation of work and the payment of pensions to the entire Slovenian population, and the negative aspects on which the current legal regulation is based.

Ključne besede:employment, retirees, legal possibilities, labour market, dual status

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