
Sinteza azido derivatov glukozamina
ID Bukovec, Mateja (Avtor), ID Mravljak, Janez (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Prekomerna in nepremišljena uporaba protimikrobnih učinkovin nas je pripeljala do pojava rezistence bakterij, ki pa danes predstavlja resen problem za javno zdravje. Vse več je bakterijskih vrst, ki vsakodnevno razvijajo rezistenco na protimikrobne učinkovine, to pa pomeni, da manjše okužbe predstavljajo vse večjo nevarnost. Iskanje novih tarč in novih protibakterijskih učinkovin postaja vse bolj pomembno raziskovalno področje, saj se bomo le tako lahko uspešno borili proti rezistentnim bakterijam. Bakterije so enocelični organizmi, ki so sposobne hitre rasti ter hitrega odzivanja na spremembe v okolju. Bakterijska celična stena je trdno ogrodje sestavljeno iz peptidoglikana. Biosinteza peptidoglikana se začne v citoplazmi, kjer se sintetizirajo peptidne enote, ki se transportirajo na zunanjo stran citoplazme in se vključijo v že obstoječ peptidoglikan. Delovanje mnogih protibakterijskih učinkovin temelji na zaviranju sinteze celične stene. Bio-ortogonalni kemijski pristop je orodje za prepoznavanje in označevanje glikoproteinov z namenom odkrivanja potencialnih tarč v bakterijskem glikoproteinu. V biološkem sistemu so azidi stabilni, hkrati pa dobro reaktivni s specifičnimi reagenti, kot so fosfini ali alkini. Azido sladkorji enostavno prehajajo skozi celično membrano zaradi acetilnih skupin, ki povečajo propustnost, zato označevanje glikana uspešno poteka tudi in vivo. Azido sladkorji se pripenjajo na verigo peptidoglikana s pomočjo glikoziltransferaz. Azidno skupino nato s selektivno kemijsko reakcijo povežemo s sondo in peptidoglikan fluorescentno označimo. Namen magistrske naloge je bila sinteza in ovrednotenje dveh azido derivatov glukozamina. Kot izhodno spojino za sintezo prvega azido derivata glukozamina smo uporabili D-glukozamin, kjer smo najprej zaščitili amino skupino. Nato smo izvedli acetiliranje hidroksilnih skupin ter odščitili amino skupino. Z aciliranjem smo nato tvorili amid, na katerega smo z nukleofilno substitucijo uvedli azid. Pripravili smo derivat glukozamina z azidom na acetilni skupini. Kot izhodno spojino za sintezo drugega azido derivata glukozamina smo uporabili N-acetilglukozamin, kjer smo na C-6 uvedli tozilat in nato izvedli acetiliranje hidroksilnih skupin. Nato smo z mehanizmom nukleofilne substitucije tozilat substituirali z azidom. Tako smo pripravili derivat z azidom na mestu 6. Po sintezi azido derivatov glukozamina smo s klik reakcijo molekuli povezali s kumarinom in tako sladkorja fluorescentno označili. Uspešnost posamezne stopnje sinteze smo potrdili s kromatografskimi in spektroskopskimi metodami. S TLC analizo smo potrdili ustreznost reakcijskih pogojev kemijskih reakcij in ustrezno čistost produktov. Spojine smo identificirali tako, da smo posneli masne in 1H NMR spektre.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:bakterijska rezistenca, azido derivati glukozamina, azido sladkorji
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FFA - Fakulteta za farmacijo
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116607 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:29.05.2020
Število ogledov:1109
Število prenosov:233
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Synthesis of glucosamine azido derivatives
Excessive and reckless use of antimicrobial drugs has led us to the occurrence of bacterial stance, which is a serious public health problem today. There are more and more bacterial species that develop resistance to antimicrobial drugs on a daily basis, which means that smaller infection presents larger risk. The search for new targets and new antibacterial drug is becoming important research area, because this is the only way we can successfully fight resistant bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled organisms capable of rapid growth and rapid response to environmental changes. The bacterial cell wall is a solid frame composed of peptidoglycan. Peptidoglycan biosynthesis begins in the cytoplasm, where peptide units are synthesized, which are transported to the exterior of the cytoplasm and incorporated into pre-existing peptidoglycan. The action of many antibacterial drugs are based on inhibition of cell wall synthesis. The bio-orthogonal chemical approach is a tool for the recognition and labelling of glycoproteins in order to identify potential targets in a bacterial glycoprotein. In the biological system, azides are stable but at the same time well reactive with specific reagents such as phosphines or alkynes. Azido sugars easily pass through the cell membrane due to acetyl groups that increase permeability, so glycan labelling is also successful in vivo. Azido sugars are attached to the peptidoglycan chain by glycosyltransferases. The azide group is then attached to the probe by a selective chemical reaction and the molecule is fluorescently labelled. The main goal for the master’s thesis was to synthesize and evaluate two azido derivatives of glucosamine. D-glucosamine hydrochloride was used as the starting compound for the synthesis of the first azido derivative of glucosamine, where we first protected amino group. Acetylation of four hydroxyl groups was followed by deprotection of amino group. Amide was formed with acylation and with nucleophilic substitution azide was prepared. We prepared glucosamine derivative with azide on acetyl group. N-acetylglucosamine was used as the starting compound for the synthesis of the second azido derivative of glucosamine, where tosylate was attached on C-6 and then acetylation of hydroxyl groups was performed. In the following, tosylate was substituted with azide by the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution. An azide derivative at C-6 was prepared. After synthesis of azido glucosamine derivatives, we performed click reaction with the alkyne coumarin molecule and the sugars were fluorescently labelled. The success of each stage of synthesis was confirmed by chromatographic and spectroscopic methods. The adequacy of the reaction conditions of chemical reactions and the purity of products were confirmed by TLC analysis. Compounds were identified by recording mass and 1H NMR spectra.

Ključne besede:bacterial resistance, azido glucosamine derivatives, azido sugars

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