
Izdelava emulzijskih koncentratov tipa olje v vodi za uporabo v agronomiji
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Heterogeni dvofazni sistemi so termodinamsko nestabilni in so pripravljeni iz dveh tekočin, ki se med seboj ne mešata. Za dosego stabilnosti je potreben dodatek emulgatorja oziroma kombinacija le-teh. Ti okoli dispergiranih kapljic tvorijo film in s tem zmanjšanje medfazne napetosti ter posledično povečajo stabilnost sistema. Nestabilnost se izraža z različnimi reverzibilnimi (flotacija, sedimentacija in flokulacija) in ireverzibilnimi (Ostwaldova rast, fazna inverzija in koalescenca) procesi. Pri izdelavi emulzij združimo obe fazi, notranjo in zunanjo, pri emulzijskih brezvodnih koncentratih pa v notranji fazi, ki je v našem konkretnem primeru sestavljena iz olj, le raztopimo izbrane ter primerne emulgatorje. Če k tako pripravljeni notranji fazi dodamo le del vodne faze, dobimo koncentrat emulzije, če pa dodamo celotno količino zunanje faze (vode v našem primeru), pa je to končna emulzija. Takšna končna emulzija je vedno podvržena nestabilnosti, ki pa v primeru brezvodnega emulzijskega koncentrata ni relevantna, pri emulzijskem koncentratu O/V pa le delno. Po izdelavi končne emulzije iz brezvodnega koncentrata je po dodatku celotne količine vode nastala emulzija lahko stabilna le krajši čas (npr. 24 ur), a še vedno dovolj dolgo, da se lahko uporabi in porabi za konkreten agrotehnični ukrep. Namen magistrske naloge je bil razvoj in priprava stabilnih heterogenih disperznih sistemov in vrednotenje njihove stabilnosti preko izgleda in z optičnim mikroskopom, ter merjenjem pH-ja stabilnim emulzijam. Pri tem smo izdelali tri vrste sistemov, med katerimi so emulzijski brezvodni koncentrati, koncentrati O/V in emulzije O/V. Najprej smo se lotili iskanja ustreznega emulgatorja oziroma emulgatorske zmesi, ki bi naš sistem olje/voda optimalno stabiliziral. Da bi se čim bolj približali pogojem uporabe in končnim uporabnikom, smo sisteme izdelali le z ročnim mešanjem. Vzorci so se razlikovali v sestavi in količini notranje oz. zunanje faze ter vrsti in deležih emulgatorjev. Končni rezultati so pokazali, da je za stabilizacijo našega sistema potrebna kombinacija dveh emulgatorjev. Ustrezna sta bila hidrofilni Atlas␢ G-5002L in lipofilni Span® 80. Vsi primeri emulzij O/V z uporabo le enega hidrofilnega ali lipofilnega emulgatorja so se takoj po izdelavi pokazali kot nestabilni in nekateri tudi nezmožni redispergiranja. Najstabilnejši sistemi so bili, ko je delež oljne faze bil enak deležu emulgatorjev. Ti so bili stabilni zahtevan čas, najmanj 24 ur. Manjši je bil delež emulgatorjev, manj stabilen je bil končni O/V sistem.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:emulzija O/V, brezvodni emulzijski koncentrat, koncentrat emulzije O/V, emulgator, stabilnost emulzije
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FFA - Fakulteta za farmacijo
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116603 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:29.05.2020
Število ogledov:1325
Število prenosov:199
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Preparation of oil in water emulsions concentrate for using in agronomy
Heterogeneous two-phase systems are thermodynamically unstable systems and are prepared from two liquids that do not mix with each other. In order to achieve stability, it is required to add an emulsifier or a combination of them. They form an interfacial film around the drops, thus reducing the interfacial energy and consequently increasing the stability of the system. Instability is expressed by different reversible (flotation, sedimentation and flocculation) and irreversible (Ostwald growth, phase inversion and coalescence) conditions. In producing the emulsions, the internal and external phases are combined; however, in the case of waterless emulsion concentrates, only the internal phase is used, which in our particular case consists of oils as well as selected and suitable emulsifiers. Adding only a portion of water (not the entire amount) to the internal phase results in the formation of an emulsion concentrate, and adding the whole amount of water phase creates the final emulsion. Final emulsion is always subject to instability, which is, however, not relevant in the case of waterless emulsion concentrate. Nonetheless, it is partially relevant in the case of emulsions´ concentrate. After adding the whole (final) amount of water phase to the emulsion concentrate, the resulting emulsion can only be stable for a short time, however which is still long enough to be used and consumed for a specific agrotechnical measure. The aim of the master's thesis was to develop and prepare stable heterogeneous dispersion systems and evaluate their stability through appearance and with an optical microscope, along with measuring the pH of stable emulsions. In doing so, three types of systems were developed: waterless emulsion concentrates, aqueous emulsions concentrates and final O/W emulsions. We firstly determined a suitable emulsifier or emulsifiers´ mixture to stabilize our oil/water system. It was our aim to assure at least temporary stability of final emulsions, about 24 hours, as our final product, i. e. O/W emulsions, will be intended for immediate use. In order to get as close as possible to the conditions and end users, we only made systems by hand-stirring. Samples varied in the composition and proportions of the internal phase as well as in the content of emulsifiers. The final results showed that a combination of two emulsifiers is required to stabilize our system. The hydrophilic Atlas␢ G-5002L and lipophilic Span® 80 were suitable. In all cases of O/W emulsions using only one hydrophilic or lipophilic emulsifier proved to be unstable immediately after the production and some also incapable for redispersion. The most stable systems were the cases in which the oil phase fraction was equal to that of the emulsifiers. The smaller the proportion of emulsifiers, the less stable the final O/W system.

Ključne besede:O/W emulsion, waterless emulsion concentrate, aqueous O/W emulsion concentrate, emulsifier, stability of emulsions

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