Deep drawing is one of the most important processes of cold sheet metal transformation mainly used in large-scale production. Since deformation rate of the deep drawing process is very high, defects can occur on the product. As part of the master thesis, we investigated the formation of ductile steel defects that occur during the deep drawing process. To determine the cause of the defected steel band literary examination of defects and damages in deep traction was conducted, after analysis of the two steel bands (defected and non-defected). During deep drawing, the steel damage may be in conjunction with the tool or material. The characterization of steel was done since damages occurred only on certain steel bands, although the same tool was used during the process. The bands were made of DC07 deep drawing steel, which complies with the SIST EN 10130 standard. Microstructure, texture, mechanical properties, and chemical composition analysis were conducted on the steel bands. What is more, we investigated the anisotropy of steel bands that occurs due to the rolling direction. The main cause of the latter is the different microstructure in individual axes. It was found that both the chemical composition and the texture of the steel bands are very similar and do not affect the occurrence of defects. The mechanical tests prove that the A-band has better characteristics for deep drawing.
This study aimed to find the cause of the defects in the deep drawing process and consequently to improve the quality of the product. Considering our findings, we assume that defects in new products will not show up.