Hunting regulates the population of herbivorous wild game, with the purpose of coordinating their density with environmental features and other goals. Hunting is carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the ten years and the annual wildlife management plans for ungulates, which also determines the sex and age structure of specimens that must be taken from the environment. The purpose of the paper is to determine if the culling plan for roe deer and red deer in Slovenia is appropriate and especially if hunting grounds (LD) and hunting grounds with special purpose (LPN) adequately follow the hunting management plans. The false and selective reporting of sex and age structure of the losses can theoretically destroy the structure. By comparing all types of losses of game, it was discovered, that there is a possibility of false reporting of the results, especially under-reporting of death of trophy males. In hunting grounds with special purpose (LPN) the share of losses was 43% of total yield in female roe deer and 12% in males. The share of losses in red deer females equaled 35% and only 7% in males. The difference is substantial when comparing to ordinary hunting grounds (LD), where the percentage of losses in female red deer is only 17% of total yield.