The aim of the research was to determine differences in the physiological work load and noise exposures in work places that appear at the cable yarding with Sychrofalke. Four daily work place measurements were carried out : setting up of the cable crane, log hooking , operating the carriage and last day operating the cable crane. The same worker was the subje ct of measurements in all four days . From the results it was found out that physiological work load was the highest at setting up of the cable crane ( HRw: 74.9 bpm , HRr: 53.1 %), lower at log hooking (42.4 bpm, 30.1 % ) and a t carriage operating (39.2 bpm, 27.8 %) and the smallest at cable crane operat ing (18.4 bpm, 13.1 %). T he estimated 8 - hour work load s at cable yarding (37 bpm, 27 %) exceed internationally agreed limits (35 bpm or. 40 %) . Noise exposure was the highest at log hooking because of the use of chainsaw (96.2 dB (A)), smaller at setting up the cable crane (93.8 dB (A)), followed by operating the cable crane (87.9 dB (A)) and the smallest at carriage operating ( 82.4 dB (A)). According to EU directives , the estimated 8 - hour exposure to noise at cable yarding (92.0 dB (A)) exceeds the lower and upper exposure action values and also exposure limit value in the case of abandonment of use of personal protectors.