MOTI (mobile timber cruise) enables a simplified quick measure of basal area, tree heights and derivated stand features. It was developed by Prof. Dr. Christian Rosset (HAFL). It runs on smart phones and tablets with Android operational system. With the reasearch we compared values of stand basal area and upper stand height and time consumption for both MOTI and classical (anglecount) methods. By measuring the two stands (even aged and uneven aged) and time consumption we collected data for analysis. We have found that the values of the measured paramaters of stand do not differ between methods. The procedure is statistically significant different only in the use of time to measure basal area, as MOTI requires some more time. Advantage of MOTI methods is with data processing (it calculates them regulary and stores them on the phone). This data can then be trasferred to a computer and thereby save time with data entry and avoid input errors. MOTI allows real-time calculation of the value of stand parameters in the field, allowing for aggregation and analysis of data that we recorded at several locations. We believe that the main advantages of using MOTI in comparison with conventional procedures of angelcount method are the aproach of on field measurements and digital storage and data transfer to a computer for further analysis.