
Značilne sadne arome rdečih vin
ID Levstek, Lucija (Avtor), ID Košmerl, Tatjana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomski nalogi smo ugotavljali kako dobro študenti prepoznajo sadne arome v različnih rdečih vinih. Senzorično so ocenili pet vin, in sicer refošk (letnik 2017), teran PTP (letnik 2017), cabernet sauvignon (letnik 2016), rdečo zvrst (letnik 2016) in merlot (letnik 2015). Na organizirani degustaciji so študenti dobili obrazec na katerem so imeli pri vsakem vinu naštetih pet sadnih arom. Njihova naloga je bila, da so pri vsakem vinu označili tiste arome, ki so jih zaznali, imeli pa so možnost dopisati tudi druge arome. Sodelovalo je 12 žensk in trije moški, nihče od njih pa ni imel predhodnih znanj ali izkušenj na področju senzorične analize vina. Študenti so pravilno zaznali aromo češnje v vinu merlot in aromo črnega ribeza v vinu refošk, v slednjem pa niso v večji meri zaznali za letnik značilnih arom maline in borovnice. Druge arome v vinih niso bile prepoznane v velikem številu. Izrazite razlike med spoloma nismo zaznali, moški so bili enotni v zaznavanju arome robide v rdeči zvrsti, ženske pa najbolj enotne v zaznavanju črnega ribeza v vinu refošk. Poleg ponujenih možnosti so študenti zaznali tudi aromo lesa oz. starega soda, amarene, suhega sadja, višnje, črne češnje, usnja in robidnice. Rezultati večinoma ne odražajo resničnih arom v vinu, ampak subjektivno zaznane arome, ki jih študenti poznajo.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:vino, rdeča vina, refošk, teran PTP, rdeča zvrst, cabernet sauvignon, merlot, senzorične lastnosti, senzorične analize, sadne arome, senzorično ocenjevanje
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Založnik:[L. Levstek]
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114133 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5170808 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:19.02.2020
Število ogledov:1843
Število prenosov:347
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Typical fruit flavors of red wines
In this graduation thesis, we observed how well students recognize fruit flavors in different red wines. They tasted five samples: Refošk (year 2017), Teran PTP (year2017), Cabernet Sauvignon (year 2016), Red blend (year 2016) and Merlot (year 2015). During the organized tasting students were given a form listing five flavors for each of five wine samples. Their task was to mark flavors they tasted or to write down other detected flavors. Twelve women and three men took part in the tasting. No one had previous knowledge or experience in sensory analysis of wine. Students were successful at recognizing sweet cherry flavor in Merlot and blackcurrant flavor in Refošk, but they did not recognize raspberry and blueberry flavors in Refošk wine that are typical of its vintage year. Other flavors were mostly not recognized. Differences between genders were not distinctive. All men recognized the flavor of blackberry in Red blend, while the majority of women recognized the blackcurrant flavor in Refošk. Beside the listed options students added some of the flavors they also detected, for example: wood/old barrel, amarena, dried fruit, sour cherry, black cherry, leather and blackberry flavor. The results are mostly not the true flavors of those wines, but subjectively recognized flavors with which students are familiar.

Ključne besede:wine, red wines, Refošk, Teran PTP, Cabernet Sauvignon, Red blend, Merlot, sensory properties, sensory analysis, fruit flavors, sensory evaluation

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