The field of value transfer onto younger generations is justifiably getting increasingly more attention in research. Values and value transfer is a relatively broad term and subject to subjective theories and individual interpretation of professionals. Based on numerous research there is a need for clear and professional terminology and methodology, which would enable teachers better planning and execution of teaching. With this we would diminish the effects of hidden curriculum that have a substantial influence on value transfer, while at the same time raising the field of transferring values to a more expicit and conscientious level.
The purpuse of this thesis in its theoretical part is to explore the field of forming and transferring values, presenting the value of family and pre-school education in this process and finding efficient approaches and methods in teaching values. In the empirical part we explore to which extend teachers are aware of the importance of the hidden curriculum in value transfer, how competent they feel for teaching values, what their views are on the importance of teaching values and what type of language they use. I also compared the attitude towards values among teachers and assistant teachers and others. I acquired data through a survey questionnaire that included 313 participants and through 8 interviews with teachers.
Results show that values play an important role in pre-school education and that teachers for the most part feel competent in working in this area, although some expess a lack of knowledge in language and professional foundations. Teachers are aware of the meaning of hidden curriculum, which they point out as the main device for transferring values, although complemented by other methods, such as selected activities, literature, role play, conversing and social play. These results are comparable with past research that also warns of the importance of value transfer on forming collective social identity, understanding of global development, critical thinking, social skills and personal development. I also emphasize certain shortcomings that should be addressed, such as lack of expert knowledge, language and methods.