The master's thesis describes the problems and situations faced by young mothers living in youth residential care centers during pregnancy, and who are still included in their teaching program after giving birth. In the theoretical part it discusses the residential treatment program, formal and informal help programs to which mothers can turn, and the rights of young mothers.
A youth residential care center informed me that three young mothers had given birth during the past year. The social pedagogue who is constantly in touch with the mothers helped me organize interviews with these three mothers. In the end, I also interviewed the social pedagogue who described how they handle these kinds of situations and what sort of help they can offer to young mothers.
All three young mothers whom I interviewed told me that they had had a lot of help from the employees of the youth residential care center, who also provided them with informal help. The social pedagogue also described how they usually help in situations like these and she demonstrated a very positive attitude. All three mothers want to be independent and have shown their responsible behavior towards their children.
At the end, I have written a few suggestions that could help mothers with carrying out the difficult task of parenthood.