
Skušnjava - moč in pogum odločitve: Biblično-antropološka analiza Mt 4,1-11 : magistrsko delo
ID Rus, Matej (Avtor), ID Matjaž, Maksimilijan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Med današnjo mlado generacijo lahko zaznamo občutek negotovosti, predvsem pri sprejemanju temeljnih življenjskih odločitev. Seveda pa to ni zgolj samo občutek, saj nezmožnost sprejemanja odločitev opažajo tudi nekatere znanstvene vede, kot so psihologija, sociologija in filozofija. Pri iskanju vzrokov se sprašujemo, ali ti obstojijo zgolj na kulturni in družbeni ravni ali so tudi povezani z duhovno komponento človeka. Vprašanje je zlasti pomembno zato, ker se večina strokovnjakov strinja, da je umik Cerkve kriv za krizo pri človeku, vendar pa obenem nekateri strokovnjaki menijo, da Cerkev ne more rešiti današnje mlade generacije. Namen te naloge je pokazati, da je vzrok malodušja današnjega mladega človeka duhovnega izvora. Trdimo, da je rešitev Odrešenik Jezus Kristus. Svoje ugotovitve smo utemeljili ob svetopisemskih odlomkih o Jezusovih skušnjavah iz Mt 4,1-11, kjer je prikazan njegov boj za poslanstvo. Jezus je bil skušan od hudega duha, ki ga je želel odvrniti od Božjega načrta. Tako je tudi današnji mladostnik, ki z izgublja upanje, skušan pri pomembnih življenjskih odločitvah. Vendar pa je ravno Jezus, ki je zavrnil skušnjavca, mlademu človeku za zgled in oporo. Dejstvo je, da Jezus ni skušan samo kot Bog, ampak tudi kot človek. S tem ko je zavrnil skušnjavca tudi v človeški naravi, je človeku vrnil njegovo dostojanstvo in smisel življenja. Živi v občestvu z Bogom in to mu je z Jezusovo daritvijo na križu omogočeno. V nalogi je zato prikazano, da je bistvenega pomena za mladostnika priti do izkustva Božje ljubezni in odrešenosti, saj je zmožen šele s to izkušnjo prepoznati in zavrniti delovanje akedije v svojem življenju ter sprejeti življenjske odločitve. Kot najboljšo pot predstavljamo pot razločevanja, ki odkriva Božji načrt in nanj tudi odgovori.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:nihilizem, hudič, skušnjavec, skušnjava, akedija, smisel življenja, odločitev, življenjska odločitev, poklicanost, razločevanje
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Rus]
Leto izida:2019
Št. strani:IX, 99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113332 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:8255322 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:21.12.2019
Število ogledov:2750
Število prenosov:245
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Temptations - strenght and courage of decision: biblical-anthropological analysis Matt 4:1-11
There is a feeling of uncertainty among the current young generation that can be noticed at the field of accepting the basic life decisions. This statement is proven true by some scientific branches, such as psychology, sociology and philosophy. However, while looking for causes of that, one can ask himself whether they exist only on the cultural and social levels or are they connected to the religious spheres of a person, too. This question is of a big importance due to the fact that the majority of experts agree that retreat of the Church as the norm of social structures is the cause of the crisis of sense in people while at the same time some experts claim the Church is incapable of contributing to the solution of the crisis of young generations nowadays. The aim of this thesis is firstly to point out that the cause of today's young people is of a religious origin and secondly, to emphasise that the solution to the problem can be found in the person of Jesus Christ the Saviour. The basis and also starting point for searching answers to reach these aims is the biblical fragment on Jesus' temptations from Matthew 4:1-11, where Jesus' mission struggle for the time of his terrestrial life is shown: Jesus was tempted by the evil spirit that wanted to deter Christ from the God's plan for Him. Nowadays, adolescents are, with loss of hope, tempted in the same way, resulting in the inability to accept life decisions. However, Jesus sets a good example and support to the young by refusing the tempter in this and other attempts of his evil doing. The key starting point in the thesis is the fact that Jesus is tempted not only as a God, but also as a person. By rejecting the tempter also in his human and not only divine nature, he brought dignity and the meaning of life back to the human; namely, a person knows his life is purposed to be in community with God and that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross has made that possible. To sum up, this thesis tries to show the importance of the experience of God's love and redemption for the young people since this experience enables them to recognize and reject the acedia activity in their lives and consequently to accept the life decisions. And as last, but not least, we have presented the manner of distinguishing as the best way for the young to reach the experience of redemption in their lives; this manner reveals the God's plan for a person and also leads him on the way of following the plan and answering it.

Ključne besede:nihilism, the devil, the tempter, temptation, acedia, meaning of life, decision, life decision, vocation, distinguishing

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