
Vizija duhovništva pri sv. Vincenciju Pavelskem : magistrsko delo
ID Žlender, Rok Vinko (Avtor), ID Petkovšek, Robert (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Magistrsko delo želi osvetliti osebo sv. Vincencija Pavelskega in njegovo vizijo duhovništva. Ukvarja se z dejavniki, ki so vplivali na njegovo življenje. V samem jedru njegove misli je duhovnik-misijonar, poslan oznanjat evangelij ubogim. Gre za lik duhovnika, ki s svojo osredotočenostjo na Kristusa konkretno nagovarja tudi danes. Avtor v prvem poglavju oriše družbene in cerkvene okoliščine v 17. stoletju. Posveti se življenju svetnika do zanj prelomnega leta 1617 ter predstavi stanje duhovščine v tistem času. Obravnava tudi ustanovitev Misijonske družbe, ki ostaja njegova trajna zapuščina. Drugo poglavje obravnava temeljni značilnosti Vincencijevega modela duhovnika – kristocentričnost in misijonarsko razsežnost. Bil je pod velikim vplivom tridentinskega koncila, katerega določbe je želel udejanjiti v praksi. Nanj so vplivali tudi člani francoske šole duhovnosti, s katerimi deli mnogo istih pogledov, v določenih točkah pa se od njih oddaljuje. Magistrsko delo predstavlja Vincencija kot človeka, ki prepoznava navzočnost Boga v vsakodnevnih dogodkih. Bog je navzoč v slehernem človeku, še posebno v ubogem, duhovnik-misijonar pa je poklican h konkretnemu služenju. Tretje poglavje magistrskega dela ponudi nekaj temeljnih smernic za duhovnikovo udejstvovanje v današnjem času po Vincencijevem zgledu. Duhovnik naj bo človek kontemplacije in akcije. Skladno s Kristusovim naročilom je tudi poklican biti misijonar v svetu. Pri delu mu morejo biti v pomoč in oporo petere vincencijanske kreposti (preprostost, ponižnost, krotkost, zatajevanje, gorečnost za zveličanje duš). Prav tako pa mora imeti čut za uboge. K temu ga kliče že učenje Cerkve, še prav posebej pa sam Vincencij, ki na podlagi 25. poglavja Matejevega evangelija zatrjuje: »Ko služimo ubogim, služimo Jezusu Kristusu.« (Coste, 9:199) Cilj magistrskega dela je torej v prvi vrsti predstavitev Vincencijevega pogleda na duhovništvo. Duhovnik-misijonar, ki se dandanes zgleduje po njegovem zgledu hoje za Kristusom, more zato oznanjati evangelij ubogim in odrinjenim sredi današnjega sveta in mednje prinašati Boga.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Vincencij Pavelski, duhovništvo, misijonar, ubogi, kristocentričnost, francoska šola duhovnosti, tridentinski koncil, formacija duhovnikov, spreobrnjenje, vincencijanske kreposti.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[R. V. Žlender]
Leto izida:2019
Št. strani:V, 74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113207 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
UDK:27-725:929Vincencij P.
COBISS.SI-ID:8248666 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:13.12.2019
Število ogledov:2344
Število prenosov:337
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:St. Vincent de Paul's vision of the priesthood
The master's thesis aims to illuminate the person of St Vincent de Paul and his vision of the priesthood. It deals with factors that influenced his life. At the core of his thought is a missionary priest who is sent to preach the Gospel to the poor. This kind of priest figure, which is centered on Christ, addresses also the people of today. In the first chapter, the author outlines the social and ecclesiastical circumstances in the 17th century. He presents the saint’s life until 1617, a turning year for St Vincent de Paul, and the state of priesthood in that period. He also addresses the foundation of the Congregation of the Mission, which remains the saint’s permanent legacy. The second chapter addresses the fundamental features of St Vincent’s priest model – Christocentrism and the missionary dimension. He was heavily influenced by the Council of Trent, whose regulations he wished to exercise in practice. He was also influenced by the members of the French School of Spirituality, with whom he has many views in common, although he moves away from them in some points. The master's thesis presents St Vincent as a man who recognizes the presence of God in everyday events. God is present in every human being, especially in the poor, and a missionary priest is called to concrete service. The third chapter of the thesis offers some of the fundamental guidelines for a priest's engagement today, following St Vincent's example. A priest should be a man of contemplation and action. He is also called to be a missionary in the world in accordance with Christ’s command. The five Vincentian virtues (simplicity, humility, meekness, mortification, zeal for the salvation of souls) can help and support him in his work. Furthermore, a priest must have a sense for the poor. He is called to this service by the Church teaching and in particular by St Vincent, who argues, according to the twenty-fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew: "When we serve the poor, we serve Jesus Christ." (Coste, 9:199) The aim of the master's thesis is therefore primarily to present St Vincent’s view on the priesthood. A missionary priest, who is nowadays inspired by his example of following in the footsteps of Christ, is therefore able to preach the Gospel to the poor and the marginalized in the midst of today's world bringing God among them.

Ključne besede:St Vincent de Paul, priesthood, missionary, the poor, Christocentrism, French School of Spirituality, Council of Trent, formation of priests, conversion, Vincentian virtues.

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