According to various literatures, you can gather a lot of information on employment, less information on employment of persons with chronic diseases, and even less on employment of persons with Diabetes type 1. Diabetes is one of the most widespread chronic diseases; its incidence is growing from year to year, so we encounter it every day. In the master’s thesis, we focused on exploration of the employment of persons with Diabetes type 1. Existing research shows, that Diabetes type 1 is linked to a lower quality of life related to health, higher unemployment and additional sick leave. Negative connectivity is more pronounced in women and older adults. Most employees with Diabetes type 1 work the same as people without this disease. To carry out international comparison we have selected the Republic of Finland, as this is a country where the incidence of Diabetes type 1 is the highest. We found, that individuals with Diabetes type 1 did not perceive any more obstacles of obtaining employment as persons without Diabetes type 1. Employees with Diabetes type 1 in the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Finland reported equal exposure to stress in the workplace. On average, the group of people with Diabetes type 1 have longer sick leaves. Both groups also report equal satisfaction with the current health status and both equally evaluate work satisfaction. The obtained results can be the starting point for various further researches. Due to the lack of suitable knowledge and a lot of ignorance about this disease among employers, the master's thesis can contribute to a greater understanding of the disease itself with employers and others.