The increase of traffic and the need for mobility has increased its negative effect due to the primary choice of motorized personal transport modes for everyday transport. Daily mobility involves repeated (daily, weekly, monthly …) travel to work, school or somewhere else, which creates mobility habits. Changing mobility habits is a complex process that includes the implementation of structural and soft measures and trying to influence the individual and society. Along with some of the measures that have already been implemented and planned, the geographical features of the Municipality of Velenje are favorable for the promotion and development of sustainable mobility. Despite that, inhabitants use cars for commuting in most cases. We have proposed measures to tackle the problems of daily mobility in a sustainable way and divided them into four packages, based on theory, in-depth analysis of the area, and the mobility habits of the inhabitants. They are relatively easy to implement, financially undemanding and effective in changing travel habits. The first package includes the creation of new travel habits at a major life events, when individuals are more receptive to creating new habits. In the second set, we propose the measures for an effective targeted promotion for the current upgrade of the cycling network. The third package includes the measures for transport generators, by focusing on big companies who employ the majority of the working population. Lastly, the final package includes measures to reduce the comfort and convenience of driving a car.