
Količina in kakovost plodov breskve (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) sorte ‘Redhaven’ pri uporabi pripravkov na podlagi titana in silicija
ID Dolinar, Lucija (Avtor), ID Hudina, Metka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomskem delu smo želeli ugotovili, ali uporaba titana in silicija poveča kakovost plodov in pridelek breskve sorte 'Redhaven'. V poskus, ki je potekal v Hortikulturnem centru Biotehniške fakultete v Orehovljah, Miren, smo vključili 4 obravnavanja: škropljeno s pripravkom Optysil, škropljeno s pripravkom Tytanit, škropljeno s pripravkoma Optysil in Tytanit ter kontrolo. Plodove smo obrali v štirih obiranjih, saj breskve dozorevajo postopoma. Prešteli smo število rodnih šib na drevo, število plodov na drevo in stehtali pridelek za vsako drevo posebej. Plodovom smo izmerili višino, širino in debelino ploda, maso ploda in koščice, trdoto mesa, vsebnost topne suhe snovi in titracijskih kislin ter izmerili parametre osnovne in krovne barve plodov. Ugotovili smo, da uporaba Optysila izboljša večino merjenih parametrov kakovosti (z izjemo trdote mesa in vsebnosti titracijskih kislin). Pri tretiranju plodov s kombinacijo obeh pripravkov smo opazili izboljšanje le pri nekaterih parametrih (velikost in masa ploda ter vsebnost titracijskih kislin). Uporaba Tytanita je izboljšala le velikost plodov v primerjavi s kontrolnimi plodovi.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:breskev, foliarno gnojenje, titan, silicij, kakovost, pridelek
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111668 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:07.10.2019
Število ogledov:1816
Število prenosov:261
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The quantity and quality of peach fruit (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) species ‘Redhaven’ at use of titanium and silicon
In the graduation thesis we wanted to determine whether the use of titanium and silicon increases the quality of fruit and yield of the peach cultivar 'Redhaven'. The experiment, which took place at the Horticultural centre of the Biotechnical Faculty in Orehovlje, Miren, included 4 treatments: sprayed with Optysil biostimulant, sprayed with Tytanit biostimulant, sprayed with Optysil and Tytanit biostimulants, and control. We picked up the fruit in four harvests as the peaches ripen gradually. We counted the number of fruiting branches per tree, the number of fruit per tree, and weighed the yield for each tree separately. The fruit height, width and thickness, the weight of the fruit and the stone, the flesh firmness, the soluble solids content and the titratable acids content, and the parameters of the basic and cover colour of the fruit were measured. We found that the use of Optysil improves most of the measured quality parameters (with the exception of flesh firmness and titratable acid content). When spraying the fruits with the combination of both biostimulants, improvement was observed in only a few parameters (fruit size and weight, and titratable acid content). The use of Tytanit improved only the fruit size compared to the control fruit.

Ključne besede:peach, foliar fertigation, titanium, silicon, quality, yield

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