Mobile phone industry is already highly developed, which means that consumers are exposed to and are able to choose from many different smartphone brands. At an early stage in the development of the mobile industry, mobile phone service providers and brands focused on gaining new consumers. However, with the continued development of technology and the increasing number of competitors in the industry, customer retention is becoming a major goal of smartphone providers. Smartphone is an almost indispensable product used by almost every consumer. Therefore, identifying the factors that discourage the consumer from switching to a different smartphone brand is crucial. Theory of consumption values defines functional, emotional, social, epistemic and conditional values as commonly considered factors in exploring the consumer intent of replacing or switching a smartphone brand. Any replacement of a product or brand also requires consideration of switching costs, which significantly influence the consumer’s decision. With the help of empirical research, we wanted to show what influence the selected factors have on the consumer’s intent to switch to a different smartphone brand. Based on the data obtained and the analysis performed, we found that emotional and social values have the greatest influence on the consumer’s propensity to switch. We have failed to confirm that functional values and switching costs affect the consumer’s brand-switching intentions.