
K mizoginiji pojma ustvarjalnosti v zgodovini umetnosti
ID Brglez, Živa (Avtor), ID Vidrih, Rebeka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Dolar Bahovec, Eva (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V magistrskem delu preučujemo mizoginijo pojma ustvarjalnosti skozi zgodovino umetnosti in pri tem zasledujemo tezo, da je ravno inherentno mizogino konceptualiziran pojem ustvarjalnosti eden izmed ključnih razlogov za manko pripisa veličine umetnicam. Pojem ustvarjalnosti zato razkrijemo kot enega od konstitutivnih pojmov sodobnega razumevanja umetnosti in kot takega nadalje tudi kot enega izmed temeljnih pojmov same umetnostne zgodovine. Pristop k temi je historičen, kar pomeni, da izrazu in pojmu ustvarjalnosti sledimo skozi zgodovinska obdobja od antike do 21. stoletja in ju pri tem postavljamo v odnose do kulturnih kontekstov proizvajanja umetnosti in do takrat sočasnih razumevanj umetnosti, umetnika, spola in spolne razlike ter pojma genija. Preko raziskovanja in analiziranja zgodovinske konstitucije pojma poskusimo locirati njegovo mizoginost in njene učinke ter pokazati, kako so bila razumevanja pojma ne samo konsistentno spolno označena, temveč tudi spolno označujoča – kako so samodejno predpostavljala moškega ustvarjalca. Namen naloge je torej pokazati, da je – in kako je – ustvarjalnost, še posebej umetniška ustvarjalnost, skozi njeno zgodovinsko konstituiranje predvidevala oz. proizvajala določeno subjektiviteto, ki je bila ne zgolj specifično spolno označena, temveč tudi bistveno mizogina. Nadalje pa je namen s tovrstno dekonstrukcijo pojma razkriti njegovo spolno ne-univerzalnost in njegovo normativnost, torej predočiti pojem ustvarjalnosti kot inherentno maskulin koncept in razkrinkati njegov položaj koncepta kot položaj v falo(go)centričnem simbolnem redu.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:ustvarjalnost, zgodovina umetnosti, mizoginija, falogocentrizem, genij
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110890 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:20.09.2019
Število ogledov:1064
Število prenosov:254
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:To the misogyny of the concept of creativity in the history of art
In this master thesis, we will examine the misogyny of the concept of creativity through the history of art, and in doing so, we will pursue the hypothesis that the inherently misogynistically conceptualized concept of creativity is precisely one of the key reasons for the lack of attributing greatness to woman artists. The concept of creativity is thus uncovered as one of the constituent concepts of contemporary understanding of art and, as such, as one of the basic concepts of art history itself. Our approach to the topic is historical, which means that we follow the term and the concept of creativity through historical periods from the classical era to the 21st century, putting them in relation to cultural contexts of art production and to the then contemporary understandings of art, the artist, sex/gender, sexual difference and the concept of genius. By exploring and analyzing the historical constitution of the concept, we will thus try to locate its misogyny and the effects of the latter, and show how the understanding of the concept was not only consistently sexually signified but also sexually signifying—automatically presupposing a male creator. The purpose of the thesis is thus to show that—and how—creativity, especially artistic creativity, throughout its historical constitution presumed or produced a certain subjectivity which was not only very specifically sexually signified but also substantially misogynistic. Furthermore, the purpose of this kind of deconstruction of the concept is to lay bare its sexual non-universality and its normativity; therefore, to present the notion of creativity as an inherently masculine concept and to expose its position as a position in the phallo(go)centric symbolic order.

Ključne besede:creativity, history of art, misogyny, phallogocentrism, genius

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