Water is the most important substance for the life of organisms on Earth, but at the same time the water is very vulnerable, as it is subject to high pressures. So it’s rational that we protect the water and strive to improve the quality of water. In Slovenia, the measurement of water condition is carried out by the Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje (ARSO), on the basis of which it issues environmental and chemical condition of waters. But the measurements in Slovenia can’t be carried out everywhere. Because the monitoring for the Blanščica basin has not been carried out, we decided to analyze the chemical and physical parameters of the water that were taken at the five strategic locations of the watercourse. We have measured elevated nitrate and chloride values, the values of which have been rising down the brook. Locally some other parameters, such as nitrite and ammonium, were slightly detectable. In the end in my task, I presented the potential polluters of the considered watercourse.