
Primerjava latinskoameriških telenovel in turških serij: družbeni vpliv in odnos slovenskega občinstva
ID Pangerčič, Alenka (Avtor), ID Stanković, Peter (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Telenovele in turške serije sodijo v kategorijo televizijskih formatov, ki ljudem predstavljajo sprostitev ter veljajo za lahkotne in pogosto manj kakovostne vsebine. Medtem ko telenovele na slovenskih televizijskih programih kraljujejo že več kot dvajset let, so turške serije šele pred slabima dvema letoma začele svoj pohod. Ker so hitro osvojile slovensko občinstvo in začele nadvladovati telenovele, me je zanimalo, kakšen odnos ima do obeh formatov slovenska publika ter kako se vpliv obojih odraža v družbi. V magistrski nalogi sem zato vsebinsko primerjala oba formata, iskala razloge za njuno priljubljenost in medijski imperializem ter njun vpliv na turizem, učenje jezika ter marketinški vidik, predvsem v kontekstu promocijskega umeščanja proizvodov. S poglobljenimi intervjuji sem želela ugotoviti predvsem, kako oba formata dojemajo slovenske gledalke, upoštevajoč, da gre za žanr, ki ga v glavnem spremljajo ženske, na kaj so pri spremljanju (najbolj) pozorne ter kaj so glavni faktorji, ki so zanje merilo kakovosti. Izkazalo se je, da gledalke turške serije dojemajo kot kakovostnejše v primerjavi s telenovelami, pri čemer izpostavljajo pomembnost dobro napisane zgodbe in prepričljive igre. Oba formata vplivata tako na širjenje jezika in do določene mere povečanega zanimanja za obisk držav, v katerih snemajo tovrstne produkcije, predvsem za Istanbul. Še vedno pa gledalke na ravni poimenovanja ne razlikujejo med sabo telenovel in turških serij. Največja odstopanja med vprašanimi se pojavljajo glede na stopnjo izobrazbe – tiste z nižjo izobrazbo se namreč bolj osredotočajo na površinske aspekte, medtem ko so vprašane z višjo izobrazbo bolj pozorne na detajle.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:telenovele, turške serije, primerjava, odnos občinstva, družbeni vpliv
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110827 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:36417885 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:20.09.2019
Število ogledov:1181
Število prenosov:230
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Comparison of Latin American telenovelas and Turkish series: social impact and attitude of the Slovenian audience
Telenovelas and Turkish series belong to the category of television formats, which represent relaxation for the spectators and are considered to have a light content and lack of quality. While telenovelas have been reigning for more than twenty years in Slovenian television programs, the Turkish series only started their march a little over two years ago. Since they quickly won the Slovenian audience and began to dominate the telenovelas, I was interested in the attitude of the Slovenian audience towards both formats and how the influence of both of them reflects in the society. In the master's thesis, I therefore compared the two formats in terms of content, looked for the reasons of their respective popularity, media imperialism and their influence on tourism, language learning and the marketing aspect, especially in the context of product placement. With in-depth interviews I wanted to find out, first of all, how both formats are perceived by Slovenian viewers, taking into account that this is a genre, which is mainly watched by women. Furthermore, I was interested in what they closely observe and what are the main factors by which they measure the quality. It turned out that viewers of the Turkish series perceive them as superior to telenovelas, highlighting the importance of a well-written story and convincing acting. Both formats influence both the spread of language and, to a certain extent, the increased interest in visiting countries in which such productions are being shot, especially Istanbul. Still, the viewers in terms of naming do not distinguish between the telenovelas and the Turkish series. The biggest deviations among the respondents occur with regard to the level of education - those with lower education tend to focus more on the surface aspects, while the respondents with higher education are more attentive to the details.

Ključne besede:telenovelas, Turkish series, comparison, audience attitude, social impact

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