
Socialna opora specifične družbene skupine: primer veganstva
ID Erhatič, Vanja (Avtor), ID Kogovšek, Tina (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Veganstvo tako v Sloveniji kot tudi drugod po svetu iz dneva v dan narašča. Razlogov, zakaj se posameznik odloči za veganstvo je veliko, od tolerance do živali do zdravstvenih razlogov, vendar je to še vedno manjša družbena skupina, kjer je izpostavljena njena drugačnost. Zato pogosto pride do sovražnega odnosa. Zelo malo se govori o tem, kje vegani iščejo socialno oporo, kakšne vrste socialne opore jim nudijo izbrani viri, od koga so največkrat deležni sovražnega govora in kako se z njim spopadajo. Zato je namen mojega diplomskega dela ugotoviti, kakšne vrste socialne opore iščejo vegani ter kdo jim nudi posamezno vrsto socialne opore. Hkrati želim ugotoviti, s kakšnimi nasprotovanji se ta družbena skupina srečuje, kako se med seboj podpirajo, kako si pomagajo, kakšna so njihova načela oziroma norme in kako se spopadajo s sovražnim odnosom. Ugotoviti želim, kdo jim v teh primerih nudi največ opore. Pri potrjevanju zastavljenih tez sem si kot metodo proučevanja izbrala kvalitativni pristop, in sicer poglobljene intervjuje. Izvedla sem 12 intervjujev z osebami, ki so vegani. Raziskovalni cilji v diplomski nalogi so s pomočjo relevantne literature pojasniti teoretska izhodišča in pomen veganstva kot specifične družbene skupine ter na podlagi kvalitativne metode raziskovanja ugotoviti, kakšno vrsto socialne opore vegani iščejo ter kdo jim to oporo največkrat nudi.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Socialna opora, družbena skupina, veganstvo, življenjski stil
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110761 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:36456541 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:19.09.2019
Število ogledov:1205
Število prenosov:224
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Social support of specific social group: an example of veganism
Veganism is growing day-in-day-out in Slovenia and elsewhere around the world. Reasons, why an individual decides for veganism, are plenty: from the tolerance towards animals to medical reasons. However, this is still a minor social group where its difference is pointed out. Therefore, hostile attitude against them emerges often. Very little is said about that where vegans seek social support, what kind of social support is offered to them by the selected sources, who does the hate speech against them come from, and how they cope with it. Therefore, the purpose of my bachelor’s thesis is to ascertain what kinds of social support is sought by vegans and who can offer them an individual type of social support. At the same time, I wish to ascertain, what kind of opposition this social group encounters, how they support each other, how they help each other, what are their principles and norms, and how they cope with hostile attitudes. I wish to ascertain who offers them most support in these cases. In confirming the set theses, I chose qualitative approach as the method of studying, i.e. in-depth interviews. I performed 12 interviews with persons who are vegans. The research goals in the bachelor’s thesis are to explain the theoretical starting points and the significance of veganism as a specific social group by means of the relevant literature, and, on the basis of the qualitative method of research, to ascertain what kind of social support vegans seek and who offers them this support on most occasions.

Ključne besede:Social support, social group, veganism, lifestyle

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