In following thesis there will be exposed Hannah Arendt's political thinking without a banister, emphasizing its meaning, conditionings, and from there emanated problems of modern age and mass society. Politics as pr?xis of vita activa, carried out between plural, equal acting and speaking agents that also think (comprehend and judge), meanwhile constitute the world, themselves with the capacity to perform miracles and universally share common sense reality, are on the contrary in conditions of mass society and antipolitical credo submitted to political technologies and domination, based on neccessities of survival, the télos of history, or natural processes that inhibit equal relations of power, nonviolent forms of public life and avoidance of coercion. Therefore, Arendt denotes a notion of desert where human conditions and their existence on the Earth are threatened by temptations of total domination and mechanisms of dehumanization, such as rendering groups as superfluous. In other words, Arendt conceives superfluity as the byproduct of modern antipolitics - destroyed conditions of public realm, emancipation of private realm activities and non-thinking tendencies (utilitarian-logical reductionism of sterile passivity) - that could be liberated in oases by genuine human capacities of moral judgement, works of art that become a form of political action or by remembrance of human conditions that throw us back among others to take responsibility for the common world of human affairs, thinking for oneself and acting in freedom to provide possibility of true human world and not being subjugated to necessity of ineluctable forces, or manipulations of total domination