The basic purpose of the SharedPower online business idea is to provide a digital space for providers and demanders to meet. Providers could provide services and lend things, and demanders could use or borrow things. The terms of service and lending would be set by the providers. The business model for the online business idea is, according to its characteristics, classified as B2C and C2C models, intermediary models and market makers. The model includes elements that define customer value, company revenue, competitive environment, customer segment, cost, market strategy, and management team. After setting up, I identified the benefits and limitations of the business model and presented them using a SWOT analysis. I tested the existing model and dilemmas that arose through the generation of the business model for individual elements using the data obtained from the questionnaire. I tested the model to obtain information about potential users' attitudes toward the online business idea (RV1), the most appropriate use of technology (RV2), and information that would help me determine my target audience (RV3). Based on the findings, I have suggested improvements that primarily relate to improving user confidence, use of technology, and targeting. By following the suggestions, the business model could improve and consequently reduce the scope of the model's limitations.