Given today's challenges in energy production and use, geothermal energy is an indispensable factor that can greatly help to heat and cool buildings more rationally and efficiently. To use this energy appropriately, a combination of collector tubes connected to a heat pump is needed. In the case of closed loop geothermal systems, the closed loop of pipes can be installed horizontally 2 m beneath the surface, vertically into a borehole to depths of around 150 m or vertically into the very foundations of buildings. Most of the time, ground is used as a heat source, but there are also systems for the exploitation of surface water (pond and lake loops) that are sunk to the bottom of the lake. When deciding which system to choose, we have to take into account the ground surface available to us, since we need enough space to excavate trenches for horizontal collectors, we also need proper access when drilling a borehole for a vertical collector. In order to estimate how much heat can be obtained by a specific collector, we also need to know the exact composition of the soil. Systems that have tubes shaped in the form of a spiral are less commonly used, such are spiral collectors and heat baskets. When installing any system, it is essential that we follow the instalation guidelines carefully, for this is the only way to ensure long-term durability of the system, while not damaging the environment with negative interventions.