
Uvod v filmsko faktografijo / Cikel portretov starostnikov s področja slovenskega podeželja
ID Korenič Tratnik, Sebastian (Author), ID Černelč, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Muhovič, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sedlaček, Sašo (Comentor)

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Izhodišče magistrske naloge je predstavitev temeljnih kategorij filmskega medija in njegovega odnosa do dejanskosti. Kot celota besedilo predstavlja ekspozicijo osnovnih konceptov za razumevanje formalnega odnosa med realnostjo in njeno filmsko upodobitvijo v kontekstu sodobnih dokumentarističnih strategij. Z osredotočanjem na problem faktografije kot metode in dejstva kot predmeta bomo skušali vzpostaviti pogoje za metodološko prolegomeno, ki bi lahko vzpostavila ustrezno filmsko teoretsko metodiko. Pri tem se bomo v raziskavi izogibali postavljanju vsebinskega prispevka in skušali zgolj orisati minimalne kategorije avdio-vizualnega dispozitiva. Namesto vsebinske analize izraznih sredstev filmskega jezika bomo z redukcijo medija na njegova temeljna formalna določila in z metafilmološko analizo temeljnega pojmovnega aparata poskušali nakazati splošen formalni okvir za operativen filmološki model. Skupaj poglavja predstavljajo faktografski pristop k razumevanju filmskega zapisa in medijskega funkcioniranja v kinematografskem dispozitivu.

Keywords:Slikarstvo, novi mediji, video, film, fakt, faktura, faktografija, fikcija, forma, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110560 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:An introduction to film factography / A Cycle of elderly portraits from the Slovene countryside
The starting point of the Master's thesis is a presentation of the fundamental categories of the film medium and it's relation to actuality. As a whole, the text presents an exposition of the basic concepts for understanding the formal relationship between reality and it's film image in the context of contemporary documentary strategies. By focusing on the problem of factography as a method and fact as an object we will try to establish the conditions for a methodological prolegomena that would be able to bring about an acceptable film theoretic model. By doing this we will try to avoid positing a content heavy contribution and aim to simply recount the minimal categories of the audio-visual dispositif. Instead of a content-based analysis of the expression capacities of the film language, we will reduce the medium to its fundamental formal characteristics and give a metafilmologic analysis of the basic conceptual apparatus, trying to set out a general formal framework for an operative filmologic model. The chapters combined give a factographic approach to understanding the nature of film representation and it's functioning as a medium.

Keywords:Painting, new media, video, film, fact, facture, factography, fiction, form, master thesis

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