In the fourth year of attending a university course of art pedagogy at the Faculty of Education, I spontaneously met with the production of fine art techniques. I challenged myself in making egg packs, watercolours, pastels, and waxes. It seemed very interesting. At that time, I began to think that this would also be very interesting for pupils in elementary school. I really had a good feeling and I still have it because I know that I have done something useful myself. I found out that industrialized fine art techniques are uninteresting for me. Therefore,I becameinterestedin finding simple recipes for making fine art techniques. This was the main reason for choosing this type of title for my graduation thesis. I wanted to share my feelings with the students and to achieve that they would also experience this joy inproduction of fine arts.
The first chapter will be devoted to a theoretical study of the basic materials about painting technology. I will describe what pigment is, its latency, its division, its history, and its color differences. In this chapter, I will also describe the pigment of the burned sien, which I will use in my experimental work. I will describe its characteristics, history, and artists who used the pigment of a burnt sien in their opus. Since it is impossible to perform painting technology without binders, I will describe this due to easier understanding of the composition of painting techniques.
The second chapter will be dedicated to wax. In this chapter, I will describe when we first met wax in history and since when we began to use the name wax. I will also say a few words of its use in elementary school and the recipe with included pictures of wax production technique.
In the third chapter, I will deal mainly with the installation of fine art in the curriculum. I will explain in detail the wax production technique I used, how to put the art of drawing in the school course, and why I chose the pigment of the sieved sien.
The fourth chapter will describe experiential learning and how it is related to the experimental work. I will explore how the artistic technique influences the student's motivation, what the didactic approaches to the artwork are, and the methods and forms of work in the teaching process of fine arts in elementary school.I will investigate this in order to prove my hypotheses, directed towards greater motivation of pupils while observing the production of art techniques.
The last chapter will include a pedagogical-empirical part, where I will describe the research problem, goals, questions, and hypotheses. I will describe the research method and the research approach. In the end, I will also describe the implementation of the lesson in two six grades of elementary school 6, the evaluation of lessons, and the results of the research.