PVY is the most economically harmful virus for potato growing. The relationship between PVY and potatoes was so far intensively studied, describing the interactions of different PVY strains with different potato cultivars, the influence of hormones on the potato immune response, the roles of individual PVY and the potato genes in that interaction. The purpose of this work was to verify the interaction between the proteins of the potato immune response using the method of co-localisation for interactions that were positive in the yeast two-hybrid system. In the experiment, transgenic agrobacteria were first prepared using two plasmids, one containing a binary plasmid with an insert coding for ERF98.2-GFP and the other containing a binary plasmid with an insert coding for PP2C-GFP. Agrobacteria were then used to analyze the localization of SAPK8-RFP, ERF98.2-GFP, and PP2C-GFP in N. benthamiana leaves and to check whether co-localization occurred between SAPK8-RFP and ERF98.2-GFP, as well as SAPK8-RFP and PP2C-GFP. The results showed that the first co-localization occurred in the nucleus and cytoplasm, while the second co-localization occurred in the nucleus, although it was not visible in most cells.