
Uporaba satelitskih posnetkov Landsat za proučevanje širjenja mesta Nairobi v Keniji v obdobju od 1976 do 2016
ID Gantar, Nataša (Author), ID Krevs, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zaključni seminarski nalogi je predstavljeno daljinsko zaznavanje širjenja mesta Nairobi v obdobju od 1976 do 2016, s pomočjo analiz večspektralnih posnetkov Landsat. Ena od velikih prednosti daljinskega zaznavanja je ta, da nam omogoča tako časovni, kot tudi prostorski pregled podatkov za izbrano proučevano območje. Poleg tega, nam daljinsko zaznavanje omogoča, da z pravilno obdelavo teh posnetkov pridobimo informacije (na primer indeks NDBI, indeks UI, …), katerih s klasičnimi metodami zbiranja in klasičnimi tehnikami opazovanja površja ne moremo pridobiti. V tej nalogi so bile s pomočjo indeksov za prepoznavanje pozidanih površin izdelane karte, z dvema različnima kategorijama rabe tal. Prva kategorija predstavlja pozidana zemljišča, druga kategorija pa predstavlja druge površine. Primerjava ujemanja teh kategorij z dejanskim stanjem rabe tal po izbranih letih, je pokazala natančnost izbranih indeksov. Končni rezultat te zaključne seminarske naloge sta Slika 12 in Preglednica 17, s katerih je lepo razvidno širjenje mesta Nairobi v izbranem časovnem obdobju.

Keywords:daljinsko zaznavanje, Landsat, pozidana zemljišča, Nairobi, spektralni indeksi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110278 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2019
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Title:Using satellite images Landsat for studying the expansion of Nairobi city in Kenya between 1976 and 2016.
This final seminar paper presents remote sensing of Nairobi city expansion between 1976 and 2016, using Landsat multispectral imagery analyses. One of the biggest advantages of remote sensing is that allows us both, a temporal and spatial overview of the data for the selected study area. In additional, remote sensing allows us to obtain information (such as the NDBI index, UI index, …), that cannot be retrieved by using classical collection methods and classical surface observation techniques by properly processing these recordings. In this seminar paper, maps with two different categories of land use were constructed using indices to identify built-up surfaces. The first category represents built-up land and the second category represents other land. Comparison of these categories with the actual state of land use by selected years has shown the accuracy of selected indices. The final result of this seminar paper is Figure 12 and Table 17, which clearly shown the expansion of Nairobi during the selected time period.

Keywords:remote sensing, Landsat, built-up land, Nairobi, spectral indices

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