
Optimalna umestitev električne polnilnice v omrežje z nezadostno priključno močjo
ID GROZDANOVSKI, JOVANCHO (Avtor), ID Gubina, Andrej Ferdo (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Artač, Gašper (Komentor)

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V zadnjem času se izvaja celotna sprememba koncepta mobilnosti. Z avtomobilov z notranjim zgorevanjem prehajamo k avtomobilom s hibridnim oziroma električnim pogonom. Sprva so imele baterije v avtomobilih majhne kapacitete, vendar se z napredkom tehnologije te kapacitete večajo. Začela se je širiti tudi infrastruktura. Električnih polnilnic je vse več. Če bi želeli, da to postane primarni način transporta, jih je poleg polnilnic v mestih treba postaviti tudi na avtocestah. V mestih so navadno postavljene tako imenovane počasne (običajne) polnilnice (AC polnilnice) z močjo do 22 kW na priključek, na avtocestah pa želimo v čim krajšem času »natočiti« čim več električne energije. Da bi to omogočili, je treba moč polnilnice dvigniti oziroma uporabiti tako imenovane hitre polnilnice (DC polnilnice). Obstajajo hitre (50 kW na priključek) in ultrahitre polnilnice (več kot 100 kW na priključek). Zaradi tega pride do primerov, ko v omrežju ne moremo zagotoviti potrebnih pogojev, da bi postavili električno polnilnico, in priključna moč oziroma energija ne zadostujeta. Tako postaja predimenzioniran električni sistem prešibek in ne more zagotoviti obratovalnih pogojev električnih polnilnic, zaradi česar porabniki ne morejo napolniti avtomobila in nadaljevati svoje poti. V takšnih primerih je potrebno najti druge rešitve. V magistrskem delu bo pojasnjen drug način, kako poleg nezadostne priključne moči s strani omrežja postavimo polnilnico višje moči. To bo narejeno s pomočjo BESS-a. Ker to zaenkrat ni tako poceni tehnologija, je potrebno pravilno določiti ustrezne specifikacije, kot sta moč in kapaciteta. To bo tudi cilj tega magistrskega dela. Podatki o zgodovini uporabe polnilnic in drugi podatki so posredovani s strani Petrol d. d.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:hitre električne polnilnice, BESS, optimiziranje, elektromobilnost
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110199 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:12.09.2019
Število ogledov:1825
Število prenosov:241
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Optimal placement of electrical charging station in the grid with insufficient connection power
In recent times there is change in the concept of mobility. From a car with internal combustion we go to a car with a hybrid or electric drive. At first, the batteries that were available in cars were small capacities, but with the improvement of technology, these capacities are getting bigger. On the other hand, infrastructure has also begun to expand. Electric charging stations are becoming more and more dense distributed. Except in cities, it is also necessary to set up on the motorways if we want this to become the primary mode of transport. The so-called slow chargers (AC chargers) are with power up to 22 kW on connector and are usually placed in the cities. On highways, however, we want to »pour« as much electricity as possible as soon as possible. To ensure this, it is necessary to raise the power of the charging stations, the so-called fast chargers (DC chargers). There are fast - 50 kW on connector and ultra fast charging stations – more than 100 kW on connector. This helps us to have instances in which we can not provide the necessary conditions in the network to install an electric charging station, or that the power supply or power is not sufficient. Overdimensioned electrical system is becoming too weak and can not ensure the operating conditions of the electric charging station and consequently the consumers to fill the car and continue their journey. In such cases, other solutions need to be found. In the master's thesis, another way will be clarified, in addition to the inadequate connection power of the network, we will put charging station with higher power. This will be done using BESS. Since this is not so cheap technology at this time, proper specifications such as power and capacity should be properly choosed. This will also be the goal of this master's thesis. Data on the historical use of charging station and other data is provided by Petrol d. d..

Ključne besede:EV fast charging stations, BESS, optimisation, electromobility

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