
Izvedba visokofrekvenčnih sit s tehniko mikrovalovne fotonike
ID Vuk Baliž, Kristjan (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoče delo proučuje možnosti izvedbe visokofrekvenčnih sit s tehniko mikrovalovne fotonike v nekoherentnem režimu. Posledično je obravnava omejena na sisteme z daljšimi kasnilnimi časi, ki dalje terjajo uporabo prenosnih poti več 100-metrskih do več kilometrskih izmer za standardna telekomunikacijska optična vlakna oz. takšnih z ekvivalentno disperzijo. Mikrovalovno-fotonska sita so skladno s teorijo sistemov in signalov predstavljna kot dvovhodni sistemi, ki na svojem vhodu in izhodu predvidevajo visokofrekvenčni mirkovalovni električni signal. Za sita z aperiodično diskretno sistemsko funkcijo je narejena analitična izpeljava prevajalne funkcije po zgledu diskretnih sistemov, in sicer tako za sita s končnim odzivom kot tudi za tista s kvazi-neskončnim odzivom. Sledi opredelitev splošnega mikrovalovno-fotonskega sistema in opis tipičnih gradnikov. V tretjem poglavju so predstavljeni načrti za izgradnjo različnih tipov fotonskih sit s prikrojenimi matematičnimi formulacijami, ki omogočajo nepsoredno pridobitev prevajalnih funkcij. Dalje je razdelek posvečen merilni instrumentaciji in meritvam, ki nam daje empirični vpogled v stvarnost fotonskih sit na primerih izdelanih prototipov, skladnih s predhodno predstavljenimi načrti. Narejena je primerjava izračunanih rezultatov z izmerjenimi, ki poroča o ujemanju resnične izvedbe s pripadajočim modelom in upravičuje uporabo analitskih pristopov k izračunu prevajalnih funkcij za namen generičnega načrtovanja sit s postopki in orodji za načrtovanje diskretnih sit. Za konec je predstavljen še primer uporabe fotonskega sita v hibridni izvedbi z električnim mikrovalovnim sitom za izboljšanje skupnega odziva.

Keywords:mikrovalovna fotonika, visokofrekvenčna sita, obdelava signalov, optično vlakno, telekomunikacije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109650 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2019
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Title:Microwave-Photonic Technique for the Implementation of High-Frequency Filters
This study presents options for the implementation of high-frequency filters using microwave photonics in the incoherent regime. The discussion is therefore limited to systems with longer delay times, implying the use of transmission paths of hundreds of meters to many kilometers in length, or systems with an equivalent dispersion. Microwave photonic filters are, in accordance with systems and signals theory, presented as two-port systems with high-frequency microwave electrical signals at the input and output ports. For filters with a discrete aperiodic impulse-response function, an analytical derivation of the transfer function was carried out using the example of discrete systems, both for filters with a finite impulse response as well as for those with a quasi-infinite impulse response. Following this is the definition of a general microwave photonic system and a description of its building blocks. In the third section, the designs for building various types of photonic filters are presented together with the customized mathematical formulations, allowing for direct calculations of the transfer functions. The next section is dedicated to measurements and measurement equipment, giving an empirical insight into the reality of photonic filters based on manufactured prototypes, corresponding to the previously presented designs. A comparison between the measured and computed results is made, reporting on the correspondence between the real filter and the applied model, and thus justifying the use of analytical approaches to calculate the transfer functions for the purpose of a generic filter design, using the approaches and tools for discrete filter design. Finally, an example of a photonic filter in a hybrid configuration with an electrical microwave filter for an improved combined response is presented.

Keywords:microwave photonics, signal processing, high-frequency filters, optical fiber, telecommunications

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