
Analiza zadovoljstva Erasmus študentov na Fakulteti za socialno delo Univerze v Ljubljani
ID Belec, Urška (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rape Žiberna, Tamara (Comentor)

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Na začetku diplomskega dela sem opredelila pojme storitev, kakovost storitve ter pomen zadovoljstva z izobraževalnim procesom. Ker sem raziskovala prav zadovoljstvo študentov s študijem, sem v teoretičnem uvodu poudarila, zakaj je raziskovanje zadovoljstva pomembno, čemu služi in kaj vse je potrebno pri tem upoštevati. Naštela sem tudi ovire, zaradi katerih je raziskovanje zadovoljstva oteženo. Na kratko sem opisala mednarodno izobraževanje, zgodovino in cilje programa Erasmus. V namen raziskave sem v spletnem portalu 1ka sestavila vprašalnik. Na podlagi odgovorov sem ugotovila, da so Erasmus študenti na splošno zelo zadovoljni z opravljeno izmenjavo na Fakulteti za socialno delo ter da so študentke in študenti višjih starosti bolj zadovoljni s študijem. Višje je ocenjeno zadovoljstvo z osebjem kot s samim študijem in prostori fakultete. Največ informacij pridobijo pri Erasmus koordinatorju, s katerim so tudi zelo zadovoljni. Z raziskavo sem še primerjala pričakovanja tujih študentov pred izmenjavo in dejansko izpolnitev teh pričakovanj. Ugotovila sem, da so pričakovanja v večini dosežena oziroma celo presežena. Najpomembnejši kriterij študentov za izbor Erasmus destinacije so mesto in kultura ter družabno življenje.

Keywords:kakovost, zadovoljstvo, mednarodno izobraževanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109500 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of Erasmus Student Satisfaction, studying at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana
In the diploma thesis I researched the level of satisfaction of Erasmus students studing at the Faculty of Social Work in Ljubljana. At the beginning I explained concept of service, quality of service and the importance of users' satisfaction. I emphasized the importance of evaluating satisfaction of the educational process and pointed out some obstacles that may occur. I have also explained Erasmus program, its history and aims. For the research needs I have prepared the questionnaire in the web aplication 1ka. The reaserch has shown that in general Erasmus students are very satisfied with the study at the Faculty of social work. Higher satisfaction level is found among female and older students. Students are more satisfied with the faculty's staff comparing to study itself. Data has shown that expectations before the mobility are mostly fullfilled. Most of the informations are provided by the Erasmus coordinator, with whom Erasmus students are most satisfied comparing to other faculty staff. Most important createria impacting students' decision to study abroad is the city, culture and social life.

Keywords:quality, satisfaction, international exchange

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