
Optimizacija moči turbin v hidroelektrarni
ID KOZMUS, GORAZD (Avtor), ID Čepin, Marko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: AEA6140FCDFE8E96177CD3D01F274DBA

Potrebe po proizvodnji električne energije se z razvojem industrije in tehnologije nenehno povečujejo, zato je gradnja elektrarn nujno potrebna. Pri izgradnji elektrarne moramo upoštevati več faktorjev, ki bodo prispevali k ekonomsko upravičeni izgradnji in čim bolj optimalnem obratovanju. Ker je vrst in tipov elektrarn veliko, sem se v diplomski nalogi osredotočil na hidroelektrarno pretočno akumulacijskega tipa, ki je značilen za verigo hidroelektrarn v spodnjem delu reke Save. Namen naloge je opisati osnovne sestavne komponente pretočno-akumulacijske hidroelektrarne in preučiti obratovanje hidroagregatov ob različnih pretokih reke ter s pomočjo programa določiti energetsko najugodnejše obratovanje agregatov pri danem pretoku. V prvem delu so opisani posamezni prostori hidroelektrarne s pripadajočo hidromehansko opremo in elektroenergetskimi komponentami. Ti se navezujejo na HE Krško, kjer sem opravljal praktično izobraževanje. Sledi opis lastnega programa v Excel VBA, ki je služil za pomoč pri izračunih. Nato sledi prikaz izračuna srednjega pretoka reke Save za merilno mesto Čatež ob Savi, ki je tudi osnova za analizo velikosti in moči agregatov elektrarne. Nato sledi analiza obratovanja agregatov v odvisnosti od števila agregatov, moči agregatov in pretoka reke na izbranem merilnem mestu. V analizi ni upoštevano čiščenje vtočnih rešetk agregatov zaradi smeti in plavja ter ekonomski vidik pri nabavi in izgradnji hidroagregatov. Rezultati so predstavljeni za posamezno velikost in število agregatov. Rezultati kažejo, kako je z agregati najbolje obratovati za doseganje čim večje moči elektrarne.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Ključne besede: hidroelektrarna, agregat, vodni pretok, maksimalna moč
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109238 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:28.08.2019
Število ogledov:1374
Število prenosov:232
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Optimisation of power of turbines in hydro power plant
The need to produce electrical power is increasing with the growth of industry and technology that is why the construction of the power plants is necessary. For the construction of a power plant, many factors that will contribute to economical justified building and to optimal operating of the plant itself should be considered. I focused on run off river power plant with pondage type which is typical for the chain of hydro power plants on the low current of the Sava. The goal of my research is to describe the main parts of the run of power plant with pondage, to study work of hydro aggregates at different values of water flow and, with the help of the computer programme, to define the most economic run of hydro aggregates at the given water flow. The descriptions of different places with main electro energetic and hydro mechanical components of the selected hydro power plant are presented in the first part. Descriptions are related to the hydro power plant Krško, where I was doing my practical education. A short description of the computer programme in Excel VBA, which used for all the calculations, is presented, as well. A demonstration of calculating the medial value of water flow on the Sava for the measuring spot called Čatež ob Savi, which is also a base to analyse the number and power of hydro aggregates, follows. Thirdly, the analysis about the number and the power of hydro aggregates depending on given water flow for the selected measuring spot is given. The calculations do not consider cleaning the front grids of turbines as the results of trash and economical aspect of buying and purchasing selected aggregate into the power plant. The results are shown for each combination of aggregates power and number. The results show, how the aggregates should operate in order to achieve the maximal power plant power.

Ključne besede:hydropower plant, aggregate, water flow, maximum power

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