Participation of citizens in policy making process at local level is seen as an important part of local democracy from democratic standpoint, therefore it deserves a special attention. In the diploma thesis participation of citizens is analysed through a three-step concept, which differentiates between information, consultation and codecision, depending on the level of citizens' involvement in the policy making process. The analysis of relevant and workable methods of involving citizens in municipalities represents the core of the diploma work on which the analysis of youth involvement is based. Based on an analysis of the situation in four differently sized municipalities, we were exploring how Slovenian municipalities spread information about issues that affect young people's lives and development, how they consult with young people about policies that directly or indirectly affect them and lastly, whether young people have the possibility of codecision. We conclude by noting that the current regulation is only partly following the contemporary trends of citizen participation in policy making process; changes are also needed in the field of public interest in youth sector at the local level, as municipalities regulate the fields very differently and there is still much room for improvement.