
Neskladnosti pri preskušanju varnosti prodajnih avtomatov
ID ŠARAC, ALEKSANDAR (Avtor), ID Begeš, Gaber (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Teoretični del diplomske naloge je osredotočen na razumevanje pojma standardizacije in je potreben za razumevanje same diplomske naloge, kot tudi poslanstva institucije kot je SIQ. Raznovrstni produkti so podvrženi postopkom standarda, oz. bolje rečeno preskušanju po navodilih standarda. Zaradi tega je opisan tudi razvoj standardov, prav tako pa so našteti ter na kratko opisani trije standardi po katerih smo se pri preskušanju prodajnega avtomata tudi ravnali. Ker se diplomska naloga nanaša na neskladnosti proizvoda, je opisan tudi pojem neskladnosti, s katerim lahko opredelimo odstopanja rezultatov od zahtevanih po standardu. Neskladnosti so pojavijo pri procesu razvoja, preskušanja in tudi velikokrat pri sami uporabi produkta, ko je ta že v odjemalčevih rokah. Zato je ključnega pomena, da se najdeta mesto povzročitve neskladnosti in vzrok za neskladnost ter da se ta odpravi z ustreznim korektivnim ukrepom. Osrednji del diplomske naloge prikazuje preskuse skladnosti prodajnega avtomata, ob tem pa so predstavljeni uporabljeni merilni instrumenti, s pomočjo katerih so bili pridobljeni rezultati, ki so pripomogli k odkrivanju neskladij pri preskušanju. Za pridobitev rezultatov smo se morali dobro seznaniti s kasneje opisanimi standardi v katerih so zapisane dopustne meje za ovrednotenje rezultata, to se pravi, ali je prodajni avtomat uspešno prestal preskus ali ne. Odkrite neskladnosti so opisane, prikazane z ustreznimi grafi in slikami, prav tako pa je opisan tudi njihov postopek odprave. Med temi izstopajo najbolj kritične, in sicer, neskladnost pri prelivanju prodajnega avtomata, neskladnost pri preobremenitvi toroidnega transformatorja in nezadostno zaščiteni dostopni gibljivi deli. V zaključku je povzeta tematika diplomske naloge, in sicer opisani so glavni rezultati ugotovljenih neskladnosti prodajnega avtomata in glavni zaključki, ki iz rezultatov izhajajo.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:standardizacija, standard, preskušanje, neskladnosti, prodajni avtomat
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-109212 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:27.08.2019
Število ogledov:1033
Število prenosov:254
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Nonconformities in vending machines safety testing
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on understanding the term standardization which is necessary for comprehending the thesis itself as well as the workings of the institution like SIQ. Testing a variety of products is subjected to procedures of standards or better said, testing according to the guidelines of standards. For this reason, the development of standards is also described, as well as the three standards that were used for the testing of the vending machine. Since the thesis relates to the non- conformities of the vending machine, the term non-conformity is also described, by which we can define the deviations of the results required in the standard. Non-conformities arise in the process of development, testing, and also often in the use of the product when it is already in the clients' hands. It is therefore crucial that a place and a cause of a non-conformity are found and that this is corrected by an appropriate corrective action. The main part of the thesis presents the tests of the compliance of the vending machine, with the presented measuring instruments used, which helped to obtain the results that helped finding the non-conformities in the process of testing. In order to obtain the results, we had to familiarize ourselves with later described standards in which the permissible limits for evaluating the results are described, that is, whether the machine successfully passed the test or not. The discovered non-conformities are described with corresponding graphs and images, and so is their removal procedure. The most critical that stand out are: the non-conformity of the overflow of the vending machine, the non-conformity of overloading the toroidal transformer and the insufficient protection against accessible moving parts. The conclusion summarizes the topic of the thesis, which describes the main results of found non-conformities of the vending machine and the main conclusions that come from the results.

Ključne besede:standardization, standard, testing, non-conformities, vending machine

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