Officials issue authority acts where it’s decided about rights and duties of clients who are considered the weaker side in an administration procedure. The weaker side is protected by the General Administrative Procedure Act, which is used subsidiarily, that is subordinately to the regional legislation. An official is obliged to abide by the principles of running an administration procedure. One of the principles is an official offering help to an uninformed client who is taking part in an administration procedure run by an official. Adhering to this principle contributes to greater client satisfaction, which is a part of measuring efficiency. It is typical of an administrative procedure to enable the use of substantive regulation. The result of this use is an issuing of a specific single administration act. When the principle of legality is violated, ordinary and extraordinary legal remedies are used to resolve a violation. In the analysis I focused on selected research questions about the efficiency of legal remedies in administration procedures in Slovenia. Based on the statistical data, the formulated hypotheses study the legal performance of administrative authorities’ based on the discovered mistakes and the efficiency of administration procedures. This is evident from the time limits indicators, the use of legal remedies and client satisfaction. I studied the administration units, which resolve around 800,000 administration cases. Altogether in Slovenia, there are 8 to 10 million cases issued at first instance.The conclusion of the analysis of the efficiency of legal remedies in an administrative procedure is the achieved efficiency indicators: the number of resolved administrative cases in the legal time limit and client satisfaction. The latter is connected not only to how fast the administrative cases are resolved, but also to the desired outcome of the clients.