The undergraduate thesis attempts to illuminate the theme of extreme right ideologies and their features, as described in Umberto Eco's essay, entitled Il fascismo eterno. The thesis
searches for and comments the afore-mentioned characteristics in the literary works of Marko Sosič, an author of Slovenian descent, situated in Trieste. These neofascist elements, as witnessed in his novels, pose in relation to different social groups, such as members of
Slovenian minorities, emigrants and members of nations from the Balkans.
The fascist tradition, inherited by Mussolini's regime, for the first time appears in Tito, amor mijo, where both, the Fascist and the Partisan tradition, are described from the view of a child. Differently, in Ki od daleč prihajaš v mojo bližino, the main character experiences chauvinism, directed towards Bosnian siblings during the Balkan wars. The same motif appears also in Kruh, prah, where the view shifts from the agressor to the victim. Once again, Kratki roman o snegu in ljubezni represents a different scene, because the characters tend to openly opt for neonazist ideology, which affects negatively the family environment.
The novels of Marko Sosič pose an interlacement of social criticism with intimacy of characters, who simultaneously fight the environment and their own mentality.