The master thesis assesses the use of folkatels in elementary school teaching on the basis of the Resian fairytale tradition. Specific literary features of the fairytale enable a diverse inclusion of its contents in the teaching activities, and thus numerous possibilities for achieving the goals of the curriculum. In this regard, the folk fairytale is of particular interest because it naturally combines both literary and linguistic topics as well as historical, ethnological, sociological and national aspects. This is a result of its cultural and spatial development. Resia and her fairytale tradition have been recognized as a very interesting and rich research field, since the trace of cultural tradition is very clear and strong in the region. The great majotity of collected material and scientific work in Slovene is a result of an initiative of Dr. Milko Matičetov, who devoted his life to researching the Resian narrative. The fairytale collection Zverinice iz Rezije (Matičetov, 2013), which also represents an important outcome of his work, was the main source of content for this master's thesis. The book serves as the basis for all later publications and interpretations of the stories.
The collection consists of 60 fairytales, most of which can be compared with the international ATU classification. This allows a thorough and consistent study of stories and fairytale characters in them. Throughout the method of Max Lüthi's literary analysis, three selected fairy tales were examined in more detail: Skakelj odnesel rusicam sekiro, Rusica pregnala grdinico iz lisičje hišice, and Lisica snedla volku maslo. This method analyzes the fairytale through 5 sets of stylistic features: one-dimensionality, depthlessness, abstract style, isolation and universal connectivity, sublimation and allinclusion. According to the author, the particularity of the fairytale is precisely the delivery of content through certain stylistic laws, that need to be known in order to exploit educational potentials of the fairytales. In addition to the overall assessment of the Resian fairytales for the use in the classroom, two teaching tools were designed: a lexicon of typical Resian fairytale characters and a fairytale map of Resia. Suggestions are given for their use in various learning activities.