
Analysis of challenges, resources and adjustment in expatriates
ID Filipič Sterle, Mojca (Author), ID Verhofstadt, Lesley (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gostečnik, Christian (Comentor)

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Expatriation is a major life event involving various challenges that expatriates face during their adjustment process, and resources they may use to facilitate their adjustment and alleviate psychological distress. In this doctoral dissertation, we found that family functioning was an important resource for individual expatriate adjustment as it has potential to foster or undermine the positive outcome of the relocation. Particularly, better family cohesion and higher family satisfaction were positively linked to the successful outcomes of the relocation. The link between work adjustment and psychological distress was found important, as two studies showed that expatriates with better work adjustment experienced less psychological distress Our study on social support as a resource for help-seeking expatriates, who were included in psychotherapy, revealed a positive association between perceived availability of socioemotional support on the one hand and interaction and work adjustment on the other hand. Instrumental support was found more helpful for general adjustment of help-seeking expatriates when they really needed this kind of social support. Exploring psychotherapy as a resource showed that expatriates reported to experience psychotherapy as a space where they could show their own weakness and be who they were. They expressed the need to receive the recognition of their expatriate complexity, and being able to embrace the wholeness of their expatriate life. Our qualitative study on the psychotherapy experience of relational family therapy revealed the importance of feeling close and connected to other people for expatriates. Receiving the recognition of the up-rootedness and lack of sense of belonging as parts of their expatriate complexity, seemed particularly important for expatriates as it addressed their confusion about where they felt at home.

Keywords:expatriates, expatriate family, challenges, resources, adjustment, psychological distress, family functioning, social support, psychotherapy experience, relational family therapy
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Filipič Sterle]
Number of pages:274 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108758 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8162906 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Raziskava odzivanja na izzive, vire in sredstva pomoči ter procese prilagajanja pri zdomcih : doktorska disertacija
Selitev v tujino zaradi dela velja za velik življenjski dogodek, ki vključuje različne izzive, s katerimi se zdomci soočajo v procesu prilagajanja na novo okolje, ter vire in sredstva pomoči, ki jih lahko uporabijo, da si olajšajo prilagajanje in ublažijo svojo morebitno duševno stisko. Ugotovitve pričujoče doktorske disertacije so pokazale, da je družinsko delovanje pomemben vir pomoči za individualno prilagoditev zdomcev, saj lahko bodisi spodbudi ali prepreči pozitiven izid preselitve v tujino. Za uspešen izzid preselitve sta posebej pomembna družinska povezanost in zadovoljstvo z družinskim delovanjem. Povezava med prilagajanjem na delo in duševnimi stiskami se je izkazala za pomembno, saj sta dve naši empirični študiji pokazali, da so zdomci, ki so bili bolje prilagojeni na nove delovne okoliščine, doživljali manj duševnih stisk. Ugotovitve presečne študije z zdomci, ki so bili deležni psihoterapevtske pomoči, so pokazale, da je bila zaznana razpoložljivost socialnoemocionalne podpore pozitivno povezana z interakcijsko prilagoditvijo in prilagoditvijo na delo. Instrumentalna podpora pri splošnem prilagajanju je bila pomembna za tiste zdomce, ki so tudi potrebovali tovrstno pomoč. Raziskovanje psihoterapije kot sredstvo pomoči pri zdomcih je pokazalo, da so zdomci doživljali psihoterapijo kot prostor, kjer so lahko pokazali svoje slabosti in so bili lahko to, kar so. Izrazili so potrebo po priznavanju svojega položaja s strani terapevta in po tem, da bi bili sprejeti v celovitosti svojega zdomskega življenja. Naša kvalitativna študija o izkušnji psihoterapije z relacijsko družinsko terapijo je razkrila, da je bilo za zdomce pomembno, da so čutili bližino in povezanost z drugimi ljudmi. Prejemanje priznanja s strani terapevta glede njihovega občutka izkoreninjenosti in pomanjkanja občutka pripadnosti kot delov njihove zdomske celovitosti je nagovarjalo njihovo zbeganost glede tega, kje je pravzaprav njihov dom.

Keywords:zdomci, zdomske družine, izzivi, viri moči, prilagajanje, duševna stiska, delovanje družine, socialna podpora, psihoterapevtska izkušnja, relacijska družinska terapija

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