
Tiskano vezje za avtomobilsko zavorno luč s svetlečimi diodami
ID NUHANOVIĆ, AMER (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osrednja tema diplomske naloge je primer narejenega tiskanega vezja za avtomobilsko centralno visoko montirano zavorno luč s svetlečimi diodami. Na začetku sem opisal glavne značilnosti LED in prikazal nekaj različnih primerov avtomobilskih svetil z tehnologijo LED. V nadaljevanju sem na kratko opisal kaj je tiskano vezje in za kaj se uporablja. Kasneje sem navedel tudi smernice in opisal najbolj splošna pravila ter nekaj dodatnih pravil, ki so pomembna pri načrtovanju tiskanih vezij. Preden sem podrobno opisal razvoj tiskanine, sem dodatno tudi naštel in opisal najpogostejše vrste materialov, ki se uporabljajo za tiskana vezja, predvsem pa v avtomobilski razsvetljavi. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge sem opisal razvoj tiskanega vezja v treh fazah. V prvi fazi je bila predstavljena shematika, kjer so opisani vsi potrebni elektronski gradniki in v drugi fazi opisal celotno konstrukcijo ploščice tiskanega vezja, kamor sem postavil vse gradnike. V tretji ali zadnji fazi pa podrobno opisan postopek risanja tiskanine na dvoslojnem tiskanem vezju ter na koncu prikazal narejen končni izdelek, ki je bil potem poslan v serijsko avtomobilsko proizvodnjo.

Keywords:svetleča dioda, tiskano vezje, elektronska vezja, avtomobilska centralna visoko montirana zavorna luč
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108641 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Printed Circuit Board for Car Stop Lamp with Light-emitting Diodes
The main topic of the thesis is an example of a Printed Circuit Board for Center High Mounted Stop Lamp with Light emitting Diodes. At the beginning, I described the main characteristics of the LED and showed a few different examples of automotive lights with LED technology. In the following, I briefly described what the Printed Circuit Board is and what it is used for. Later, I also listed the guidelines and described the most general rules and some additional rules that are important for design of Printed Circuit Boards. Before describing the development of the PCB in detail, I also listed and described the most common types of materials used for Printed Circuit Boards, especially in Automotive Lighting. In the final part of the thesis, I described the development of a Printed Circuit Boards in three phases. In the first phase I presented the schematics, where all the necessary electronic elements were described and in the second phase I presented the entire construction of the Printed Circuit Board, where I put all the elements. In the third or last phase, the drawing process of two-layers PCB was described in detail, and in the end I showed the finished product, which was then sent to the serial car production.

Keywords:Light emitting Diode, Printed Circuit Board, electronic circuits, Center High Mounted Stop Lamp

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